Added support for importing Altium Schematic in ASCII format.
Backported to 8.0.2.
Previously only binary Schematic/PCB/Library Altium formats were supported.
Added support for importing Altium Schematic in ASCII format.
Backported to 8.0.2.
Previously only binary Schematic/PCB/Library Altium formats were supported.
Added PCB 3D image raytracing rendering from CLI, with transparent background support.
Usage: render [--help] [--output OUTPUT_FILE] [--define-var KEY=VALUE] [--width WIDTH] [--height HEIGHT] [--side SIDE] [--background BG] [--quality QUALITY] [--preset PRESET] [--floor] [--perspective] [--zoom ZOOM] [--pan VECTOR] [--pivot PIVOT] [--rotate ANGLES] INPUT_FILE
Renders the PCB in 3D view to PNG or JPEG image
Positional arguments:
INPUT_FILE Input file
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Shows help message and exits
-o, --output Output file [nargs=0..1] [default: ""]
-D, --define-var Overrides or adds project variables, can be used multiple times to declare multiple variables.
Use in the format of '--define-var key=value' or '-D key=value' [nargs=0..1] [default: {}]
-w, --width Image width [nargs=0..1] [default: 1600]
-h, --height Image height [nargs=0..1] [default: 900]
--side Render from side. Options: top, bottom, left, right, front, back [nargs=0..1] [default: "top"]
--background Image background. Options: transparent, opaque. Default: transparent for PNG, opaque for JPEG [nargs=0..1] [default: ""]
--quality Render quality. Options: basic, high, user [nargs=0..1] [default: "basic"]
--preset Color preset. Options: follow_pcb_editor, follow_plot_settings, legacy_preset_flag, ... [nargs=0..1] [default: "follow_plot_settings"]
--floor Enables floor, shadows and post-processing, even if disabled in quality preset
--perspective Use perspective projection instead of orthogonal
--zoom Camera zoom [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]
--pan Pan camera, format 'X,Y,Z' e.g.: '3,0,0' [nargs=0..1] [default: ""]
--pivot Set pivot point relative to the board center in centimeters, format 'X,Y,Z' e.g.: '-10,2,0' [nargs=0..1] [default: ""]
--rotate Rotate board, format 'X,Y,Z' e.g.: '-45,0,45' for isometric view [nargs=0..1] [default: ""]
Isometric video
render example:
kicad-cli pcb render --floor --zoom 1.4 --rotate '-45,0,45' -o render.png video.kicad_pcb
Previously it was not possible to use kicad-cli
for rendering 3D images.
JamesJ has moved the Net Inspector to a docked panel (View > Show Net Inspector to show/hide)
This includes improved filtering and grouping UX, the ability to show/hide and reorder the columns, and save/restore of all the settings.
Miklós Márton added an option to change sheet names in the schematic hierarchy navigator.
Solid 3D model export improvements:
XAO defines pad surfaces as face groups and can be imported into SALOME or newer versions of Gmsh for FEM simulations:
Extended the physical_clearance
rule to apply between copper fills & footprint courtyards.
(rule "No copper pours under Capacitors"
(constraint physical_clearance (min 0.1mm))
(condition "A.Type == 'Zone' && B.Reference == 'C*'")
will knock out the courtyard of any footprint whose reference starts with “C” from all copper fills.
@JamesJ added support for schematic rule areas that allow users to draw a shape to which net class directives can be attached.
Control over via tenting on top and bottom sides, at a board level and per-via overrides.
Note: this replaces the “tent vias” checkbox in the Plot dialog, which is now gone.
@JeffYoung added a feature that lets you create ERC/DRC errors and warnings from textboxes and fields:
New text variables:
${ERC_WARNING <custom title>}
${ERC_ERROR <custom title>}
${DRC_WARNING <custom title>}
${DRC_ERROR <custom title>}
Variables must be at the start of a field, text item or textbox to be recognised by ERC/DRC.
They resolve to the empty string on the canvas.
You can now embed various elements in your schematics, pcb layouts, footprints and symbols:
3d Models:
New ERC check for local and global labels with the same name (from Wishlist: ERC local/global net name collisions (#9461) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab)