Export layer stack pieces in the 3D export

@dsa-t I am trying the new features to export inner copper layers to 3D. It is really nice, but it would be very handy if it would have the option to export the dielectric layers as separate objects as well, for when complex layer stacks with different dielectrics are used.

A minor detail, after importing the STEP file into FreeCad I see that pads have a slight offset with respect to copper planes, as seen here:

Not sure whether this is intentional.

Please put this feature request on GitLab so that we don’t forget.

Note that this will increase file sizes and load times.

Also it won’t be possible to cut copper out of it, so the copper will just be intersecting these dielectric layers.

The exact Z position/height might also be tricky to calculate accurately.

This is done to have distinct surfaces for pads to specify I/O ports. It also seems to help with OCCT’s Fuse operation and is also somewhat realistic (there’s generally solder on pads)

Shall I submit this as an issue? Or is there another way for feature requests?

Yes, submit it as an issue.

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