Assign netclass without a label restriction

While I am assigning netclass to connections without labels in the kicad schema design, kicad restricts me from assigning netclass. Will there be a regulation to remove this restriction?
In Eagle, netclass assignment can be made in similar connections even if there is no label. Similarly, I think it will not be a problem to make an appointment in kicad. It will also make the job of designers easier. Otherwise, for example, during a UART connection, we have to add labels along the connection in cases of filtering, series resistance, etc. This not only wastes our time but also makes the circuit look more complicated.

Additionally, there is no clear information as to whether a regulation will be made on the relevant topic.

Link: [Kicad7] How to assign netclasses without a label?

Please remove this restriction :innocent:

KiCad has: Schematic Editor / Place / Add Net Class Directive (Also in the toolbar on the right side).
Related, there is also a checkbox for: Schematic Editor / View / Show Directive Labels so you can easily hide these when you are working on other parts of the schematic.

for the post v8 development this feature was also expanded to allow grouping nets with one single net class directive: Post-V8 New Features and Development News - #18 by stambaughw

As Tojan pointed out there is now a solution for v8.99 (you may test with a nightly version, which can be installed alongside your normal kicad installation).

In Eagle, netclass assignment can be made in similar connections even if there is no label. Similarly, I think it will not be a problem to make an appointment in kicad.

This assumption “will no problem” is false.
Both programs differ vastly in internal programming, especially in regard of automatic named nets.
Eagle uses unique, constant names for automatic netnames. These netnames don’t change during work. Therefore eagle is able to apply netclasses to these automatic nets.
Kicad on the other hand uses a dynamic scheme to assign automatic netnames. Therefore a automatic netname is prone to change during manipulating the schematic. Therefore it’s not useful to use automatic named nets for string/pattern based netclass assignments.

To assign netclasses to automatic named nets use netclass directive label (and the added rule-area option).

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