Ability to add comments to ERC and DRC exclusions.
Ethan Chen has contributed a new sheet pin/hierarchical label synchronization tool. This tool provides management of sheet pins and their associated hierarchical labels instead of having to switch back and forth between the sheet and schematic.
Added support for importing Altium Schematic in ASCII format.
Backported to 8.0.2.
Previously only binary Schematic/PCB/Library Altium formats were supported.
Added PCB 3D image raytracing rendering from CLI, with transparent background support.
Usage string
Usage: render [--help] [--output OUTPUT_FILE] [--define-var KEY=VALUE] [--width WIDTH] [--height HEIGHT] [--side SIDE] [--background BG] [--quality QUALITY] [--preset PRESET] [--floor] [--perspective] [--zoom ZOOM] [--pan VECTOR] [--pivot PIVOT] [--rotate ANGLES] INPUT_FILE
Renders the PCB in 3D view to PNG or JPEG image
Positional arguments:
INPUT_FILE Input file
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Shows help message and exits
-o, --output Output file [nargs=0..1] [default: ""]
-D, --define-var Overrides or adds project variables, can be used multiple times to declare multiple variables.
Use in the format of '--define-var key=value' or '-D key=value' [nargs=0..1] [default: {}]
-w, --width Image width [nargs=0..1] [default: 1600]
-h, --height Image height [nargs=0..1] [default: 900]
--side Render from side. Options: top, bottom, left, right, front, back [nargs=0..1] [default: "top"]
--background Image background. Options: transparent, opaque. Default: transparent for PNG, opaque for JPEG [nargs=0..1] [default: ""]
--quality Render quality. Options: basic, high, user [nargs=0..1] [default: "basic"]
--preset Color preset. Options: follow_pcb_editor, follow_plot_settings, legacy_preset_flag, ... [nargs=0..1] [default: "follow_plot_settings"]
--floor Enables floor, shadows and post-processing, even if disabled in quality preset
--perspective Use perspective projection instead of orthogonal
--zoom Camera zoom [nargs=0..1] [default: 1]
--pan Pan camera, format 'X,Y,Z' e.g.: '3,0,0' [nargs=0..1] [default: ""]
--pivot Set pivot point relative to the board center in centimeters, format 'X,Y,Z' e.g.: '-10,2,0' [nargs=0..1] [default: ""]
--rotate Rotate board, format 'X,Y,Z' e.g.: '-45,0,45' for isometric view [nargs=0..1] [default: ""]
Isometric video
render example:
kicad-cli pcb render --floor --zoom 1.4 --rotate '-45,0,45' -o render.png video.kicad_pcb
Previously it was not possible to use kicad-cli
for rendering 3D images.
JamesJ has moved the Net Inspector to a docked panel (View > Show Net Inspector to show/hide)
This includes improved filtering and grouping UX, the ability to show/hide and reorder the columns, and save/restore of all the settings.
Miklós Márton added an option to change sheet names in the schematic hierarchy navigator.
Solid 3D model export improvements:
- Option to fuse copper geometry together
- Option to export copper on inner layers
- Options to exclude board body or components
- Net filter (can be used to export a single net)
- Zone geometry approximation with arcs for faster processing and smaller file sizes
- Export in BREP or XAO formats
XAO defines pad surfaces as face groups and can be imported into SALOME or newer versions of Gmsh for FEM simulations:
Extended the physical_clearance
rule to apply between copper fills & footprint courtyards.
(rule "No copper pours under Capacitors"
(constraint physical_clearance (min 0.1mm))
(condition "A.Type == 'Zone' && B.Reference == 'C*'")
will knock out the courtyard of any footprint whose reference starts with “C” from all copper fills.
@JamesJ added support for schematic rule areas that allow users to draw a shape to which net class directives can be attached.
Control over via tenting on top and bottom sides, at a board level and per-via overrides.
Note: this replaces the “tent vias” checkbox in the Plot dialog, which is now gone.
@JeffYoung added a feature that lets you create ERC/DRC errors and warnings from textboxes and fields:
New text variables:
${ERC_WARNING <custom title>}
${ERC_ERROR <custom title>}
${DRC_WARNING <custom title>}
${DRC_ERROR <custom title>}
Variables must be at the start of a field, text item or textbox to be recognised by ERC/DRC.
They resolve to the empty string on the canvas.