Post-v5 new features and development news

I think that was the last file format change, so that now the file formats are frozen except for possible bug fixes.

@eelik, There is at least one MR open which affects the board file-format:


A “Fillet Tracks” tool has been added in MR 461. This is a tiny part of all the hard work Seth and others have been doing to get KiCad to support curved tracks. Short video below:


May be a dumb question, but why does it look like its been done for an Atari 8 bit game? Is it the video or the curved tracks end up really that “pixelated”? If so I’m afraid whatever benefits you are planning on gaining by using curved tracks will be lost on all those multiple steps.

@Qbort can confirm, but I think that’s just what fallback graphics mode looks like with no anti-aliasing. In other words, that’s a rendering artifact of looking at the board in PcbNew; the actual gerber output will be smooth. If your computer can use OpenGL (Accelerated graphics) and antialiasing, things look much better.


@ArtG @craftyjon Yes, the reason is that I had anti-aliasing disabled since my machine is a little slow. Please see video below with “Subpixel anti-aliasing (High Quality)” enabled as well as the newer KiCad color theme.


It does not help we default to anti-aliasing off… (also that other issue where the 4 modes aren’t actually meant for both pcbnew and eeschema at the same time)
The complaints shall stream in

@eelik Do you know if someone has released a tool to automate the translation of multiple V5 symbol/eeschema files to V6 new formats? I heard the “translator” logic is accessible with the GUI in 5.99 (Save as...) but I would like to know if this logic can be surfaced and maybe accessible via a Python script (like those in library-utils) so that we don’t have to translate file manually, one-by-one.

Thanks :smiley:

Responding to myself here, I’ve been told there will be a “Python API for kicad-libedit” available “soon” which will be the official way for translating schemas/symbol libraries from v5 to the new v6 formats.

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@cpresser posted more about the current state of the libraries:


Now when most of the new features have been integrated there shouldn’t be so many UI string changes. If you ever have thought about helping translating the KiCad user interface to another language (or if you haven’t), now might be a good time to start. There was some discussion in KiCad v6 translation in 2020.

Nobody admitted using github plugin, so it was removed. See Opinions on removing GitHub plugin and there the link to the issue for more information.

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There’s a hidden feature: you can create filled circles and rectangles in pcbnew by changing the Line thickness to zero in the properties.


10 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion about filled polygon implementation details

Due to certain problems in the implementation (see the discussion in the split topic and a bug report) all shapes (rectangle, circle, polygon) can now be filled or non-filled independently of the line thickness. For non-filled shapes the thickness must be > 0.


There’s an ugly crasher in last night’s eeschema. I’ve already fixed it, but you might want to avoid last night’s build.


eeschema: Hierarchy Navigator now shows page numbers and page number ordering is respected when printing and plotting. (introduced with MR 541)

This builds on the sheet page numbers introduced by Wayne in commit 8ff51d88. It is more of a bug fix than a feature but added the convenience of showing page numbers in the hierarchy navigator.

Note that the ordering in the hierarchy navigator is first by hierarchy and next by page number so this means that the printing order could be different to the hierarchy order.


Is it possible to create a dock from the navigator so it can be attached to the gui?

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That will have to wait until KiCad v7 as it is a new feature (you might want to “thumbs up” this issue to track progress)

However note that since MR 9 (by Franck Jullien) you can configure the Hierarchy Navigator to remain open as you navigate through schematic sheets. The option is in Preferences -> Editing Options -> Keep hierarchy navigator open

I do wonder if it should be defaulted to enabled.


Seems a UI refresh with new icon showed up for latest Nigthly:

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