Simple AC circuit

Dear guys,
I tried many times to do vsource resistor, vsin resistor circuits just to get sin waveform, result was voltage 0 in transient mode. Pwr_flag was connected. Would someone show how to configure such a simple circuit?

Replace VDC by VSIN, add transient simulation.
Watch to see transient (tran) and small signal ac simulation.
Check my tutorial at KiCad Eeschema as GUI for ngspice, tutorial for setting up the simulation

It is so kind of you to reply for my question, thank you. Unfortunately I cannot go for youtube due to my current ISP policy… I will read your tutorial. Actually I want to simulate a connection of a resistor connected into home power supply socket and I need a sinusoidal source of 220V 60 Hz. Is it what you suggested with your answer?

I am not inclines to teaching basic spice skills here.

If you have a specific question to KiCad/ngspice, please tell in detail what you did so far and what has been the problem. Support it by schematics uploaded or uploading the complete project (zipped).

I supposed that may be vsin is only AC source but I have just checked and it works:

It helped me to figure out how to simulate a home socket with resistor plugged in after all. I cannot upload the project as I am a new user. Thank you.

I was interested in a home wall power supply socket actually/ If you change ampl=311 f=60 ac=220 and time to sample T = 1 / 60 you will get exactly what I was after.

Read this to find how to promote yourself:

Thank you. I will see to it.