I’m using KICAD 5 and have decided to use a pad, “Connectors:Pin_d1.3mm_L10.0mm_W3.5mm_Flat”. I want to know how to tell if this pad is plated through. I can see from the 3D viewer that the pad is on both sides of the PCB.
Please use the correct terminology.
If it’s from a library, it is a footprint. Footprints usually have one or more pads, but pads do not exist on the PCB on their own. THT pads are always plated (at least, I think so). If you are in doubt, you can look at it in the 3D viewer. The 3D viewer also shows the plated tube. This becomes better visible if you disable the board and the solder mask layers. This makes the PCB transparent so you can see though it.
Well… that works. I can see the plating thru the board. But that brings up another question. Shouldn’t the footprint properties have information whether or not a particular pad is placed on the front and/or back and if it is plated through? If I were to make a new type of pad from scratch, how would I add the through plating? Thanks, Mike
All holes get plating unless you explicitly say that they are NPTH.
As I wrote before, pads are parts of a footprint. To to get acquainted with this, start the footprint editor ans explore your options. There are 5 different pad types.
The meaning and usage of these pad types is described in the manual:
(If you installed the help files too, then you have a local copy of this directly in the “Help” main menu.)
Hi @mike_z
It is not mentioned so far, but you do not actually make a new pad from scratch. You place a basic pad then use the properties to modify it to suit your needs (as Paul shows above).
OK, Maybe I got it. A little slow, but not for 78 year old guy, trying to comprehend new stuff. I made a custom footprint for a relay and I had not noticed that the pads I added are plated. So… when I add a pad to a footprint and edit it there is a copper drop down with four choices. 1. F.Cu 2. B.Cu 3. All Copper layers 4. None. Does this mean that #1 only has the pad copper on the front and same for #2, copper on the back. Both with no plating, because there is nothing to plate to. And #3 has copper on both sides and is plated through. #4 is just a hole. Someone mentioned NPTH, but I can not find that on the edit properties. Could that be because I’m using Kicad 5? Thanks
Yes. It would pay you to update; not only for the improvements, but also many regulars (including this 71 year old) on this forum have forgotten Kicad 5.
Here is the link. Click on “Download” and choose your poison
There are big changes annually. Kicad 9 will arrive in a little over a month.
All pad holes have plating. The selection you mention is with regards to the pads only.
#1 top pad only, #2 bottom pad only, #3 all layers have a pad. #4 no layers have a pad. The hole is plated for all 4 selections. The pads are the same shape on all levels. Only “Non Plated Through Holes” have no plating.
Kicad 9 will allow different shaped pads on different layers.
As you are trying to learn KiCad install the latest stable version without any doubt. No one here remembers how V5 had each function done exactly.
I have V5 still installed at Win7 PC (since V6 KiCad wants Win10+) but don’t remember running it for few years.
V5 reigned supreme for 3 years. KiCad is developing very quickly and 3 years is very long time. Huge number of changes/improvements were introduced during that time that we get in V6. Then one year updates into V7 and next year updates into V8 and soon next year updates into V9.
Possibilities of pad specification was certainly extended since V5.
In microcontroller footprints that have thermal bottom pad when you use vias in it to connect it with full GND on the other PCB side you prefer to make openings in F.Paste layer between vias (so to paste will not be pushed through vias to the other PCB side). These F.Paste openings are pads that have Copper layers specified as None because these pads are not used to add copper but only to specify where paste need be applied.
It is only one example. If you need for example to specify where adhesive have to be applied you will also use Copper: None.
I see (KiCad V8) that you can specify technical layers (for pad) for example User.Eco1 so there are probably many other cases when people use pad with Copper:None.
You know… updating any software comes with a lot of problems. Much of the old stuff has trouble becoming new stuff AND it takes a boat lot of time to convert it. I mostly work with old computers and have made a number of boards and additions to my DEC PDP8E, 8080 CPM 2.2, SOL-20 Terminal and some other machines. When I first started using KICAD, I had everything in ORCAD and had to convert it or redraw it in KICAD. Later, I updated KICAD from an earlier version to 5.1.6 and had the same problem. I sorry, but I do not have that kind of time anymore. I’ll spent my last years updating everything and not get around to do what I want. So, I’m sticking with KICAD 5 and struggle through. I’d rather work with what I have and know that I can still access it and still make some useful things. I appreciate all the help and discussion, but… thanks again, Mike
I had everything in Protel 3.
I was lucky knowing that V5 will be soon so waiting for it I made my libraries with V4.0.7 but started with PCBs with V5.
I understood that you have some basic questions that you are just starting with KiCad.
Last number change is only bug-fixing with no changes to user interface or file formats.
Each number change can be several dozen bugs fixed.
There is no justification for not upgrading to the 5.1.12.
It will be hard to get here valuable help for V5. We simply don’t remember it.
I am using only my own libraries (defined when I was waiting for V5). When upgrading to new last number version I don’t have to do anything. When upgrading to highest number change the only thing I have to do is to tell new KiCad version to use my library lists. To do that I have to copy that lists to any not hidden directory and then at first run of schematic or PCB when KiCad asks for libraries I have to say that I want to use my lists and KiCad opens window to point the file with library list.
To be ‘up to date’ I then open and save all my projects. It takes me not longer than one hour. But you not have to have all projects saved in current version. KiCad V8 will open not only V7 projects, but also V6 and V5. With V5 the problem is that the symbols and footprints used are not included in schematic and pcb file so some problems can arise if there is a problem with access to V5 libraries.
But since V6 everything is in files - no such problems.
If people use mix of KiCad and their own libraries they have some problem when switching from V7 to V8. Thay just have to agree for standard library lists (so KiCad libraries) and then add to those lists one by one their own libraries. May be in V9 or V10 it will be made automatic.
I have never had any problem with it as I decided to use only my libraries before even start to design first PCB.
It can happen that 9.0.1 will have a problem with opening old V5 files. Then people will report it and 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 should have it solved.
Because of it if you don’t want to upgrade too often a reasonable solution is to use last version of previous version. So upgrading to 8.0.7 and not upgrading to V9 for an year is rationale.
KiCad V8 can run at the same PC as V5 not disturbing each other. You can try V8 not upgrading your work. To be 100% safe you can try V8 at another PC and then not damaging anything at V5 installation check if you make to move to V8.
But remember - when you once open and save your file with V8 you will not be able to go back so if you want to check V8 still working with V5 do it on the second copy of your projects.
That is good idea to have two KICAD’s on separate computers. But then I looked up the system requirements. All my computers run Windows 7 or earlier, in fact I still use my windows 3.11 machine. Apparently Windows 7 is unsupported for KICAD 8 or more. So, I do not want to upgrade any of my working computers beyond Windows 7, same issues and I have to learn more stuff and forget other stuff. Maybe I can dig up another used desktop some place and start from scratch with Windows 10 or something. Then if it absolutely turns my stomach I can trash it all, but maybe it will work and I can get along with it for the near future. I have a Ubuntu machine but that is also out of date.I see that Windows 11 is TBD. Any advice on which way to proceed?
I have never used Linux so no advice in that subject.
Few months before release of KiCad V6 I got the info that it will need Win10. It is no because KiCad team wants to promote Win10 but because KiCad uses something (I’m not sure what) and that something was just updated and need Win10 minimum.
As I had only Win7 machines I didn’t upgraded to V6 for more than half year till we bought Win10 PCs.
We use (in our small company) only second hand PCs, monitors, laptops. There are so lot post-lease offers that buying 2 weeks ago a laptop for my wife to her work (on-line math private lessons) I spend 3 days just trying to sort them to select what I assume is optimum (after first look-through I marked about 170 offers as potentials to select from). If someone offers 160 second hand laptops of exactly the same configuration you can be sure that he bought them from company that have just changed work computers to all employees. Their price is certainly favorable.
I have bought Dell Latitude 5500 15" touch screen (1920x1080), i7-8665U 16GB RAM, 500GB SSD NVMe with Windows11 Professional licence. Price was 1527PLN = $372 (the seller gives a one-year warranty). If you prefer desktop computer - I have also Dell. Can’t say specific name but it is 18x18x3.5cm box.
This is my suggestion how to go to Win11 from Win7.
Great. I’ll look around and see what I can find in a desktop that has either Windows 10 or 11. Don’t need a big SSD, because I keep everything on a FreeNAS. Then download KICAD 8 something and see if I can make any sense out of all this new stuff. I appreciate all the help, let you know what becomes of this and most likely will have more questions regarding KICAD 8. Mike
The key is that you don’t have to search for sense out of all new stuff. You can use only these new features that you find being helpful for you.
For example buses in V5 are only graphic objects while in V8 can know what wires they contain, but I don’t use this feature and still use buses as graphic only objects at my schematics - my (your) choice.
In V5 after first "update PCB from schematic’ I spend relatively long time dividing footprints into groups according to their belonging to different blocks in the schematic. Having both schematic and pcb widows opened I moved footprints one by one based on showing me each of them at schematic. In V8 I just select a block after block at schematic and use hotkey ‘P’ at PCB - not more than minute and I have all footprints divided as I want. This one feature would be enough for me to go from V5 to V8.
The other is that to make a PCB pictures as I want (element rectangles with references inside on the background of gray copper) in V5 I had to export separate layers to svg and then collect them together using inkscape. With V8 I get these pictures from KiCad without a need later to collect all layers together. Only what left to be done with inkscape is:
but this is only three hotkeys to be used there.
You can look through following threads:
to find features you would like to use. All that are of not interest to you, you can simply ignore.
KiCad is a fairly complex piece of software, with a number of dependencies. The main ones are:
- The compiler chain (including standard libraries)
- System libraries (the bits that interact directly with your operating system)
- The core UI library, wxWidgets
- Other critical libraries (such as those we use for fonts, geometry, compression, database access, API bindings, etc etc - there are many!).
All of these libraries are constant evolving, using new software features, and we need to use the new functionality in them, which is tied to new features and new build chains etc.
On top of that, we try to use the most modern C++ standard that is well supported, as it is easier and more expressive to write code in modern programming language versions. C++20 compared to C++ from even a few years ago is like a new language - and it lets us write complex code faster.
Add to that the fact that for every ‘old’ OS we wished to support, we’d need to keep hardware (virtualised or real) alive, along with the versions of all the many libraries and tool chains described above, to keep things building. But we wouldn’t be able to build the new code, as we’d be using new language features and libraries that just won’t build on those platforms.
This all just makes for an incredible amount of combinatorics, and the reality is that if we still supported building on older OS versions, we’d have to use old versions of libraries, old C++ versions, and therefore not have access to critical bug fixes or new features.
The result is that our policy is that we build for OS versions that are still in official support by the vendors. That is a reasonable balance between navigating all the complexity above, but not requiring everybody to replace their hardware every 6 months to support the absolute bleeding edge.
If not KiCad I would certainly still be using Win7 at my main PC