We are trying to keep this forum as useful to KiCad users as possible. This means focusing on KiCad related topics. There exists a continual danger of slipping to the subject of general electronics where people (hobbyists, newcomers) ask for help with basic electronics without any relevance to KiCad. These topics will be closed without hesitation.
Nothing personal is intended, nor does it mean that the question or the topic isn’t useful or interesting.
Chances of questions being answered can be enhanced if you at least try to make it related to KiCad somehow, for example by attaching a KiCad project.
Sometimes general questions go under the radar, maybe even on purpose by the moderators, but we would rather encourage you to find some other forum for non-Kicad problems, for example eevblog.
EDIT by Hermit:
Just to keep this from becoming a thread. I’m in the process of closing a decades old Amateur Telescope Making mailing list. Successful mail lists always started to fail because of volume. On a forum it is easier to ignore stuff but is still a problem for those trying to be helpful to the Kicad project. Overload is overload. It dilutes the useful on topic material and makes finding relevant information harder.