- Colors are bad when they serve no purpose
- Colors are great when they help the brain get important information fast
- There is some inconsistencies and overlooks on the current set of icons
I think those icons are flawed and inconsistent in many ways. However, they are beautifully crafted and clearly feel like the step towards a contemporary flat GUI that even the big bad EDA will be envious of… x)
The lack of colors is tiring: I cannot figure out what is what here:
Colors are fast to the brain. Very fast. If some of you remember how fast Quake III was to understand for new players, you may also remember how vivid and well colored were each category of items in the game.
A good example of color usage is with FreeCad where action groups have their ‘ambiance’.
On the other side, you can look at the new Inkscape dark (snapshot) that looks almost as licked as a $5000 software full of bugs coughadobecough.
I think the simpleness and expressiveness of the icons speak for itself here.
Given those examples, what seems to work the best is that all icons should be working monochrome first, and then colors could be used to convey even more information, either dynamic (notifications) or shortcuts for the brain (categorization).
That’s why I believe the pink accent on icons is overkill. It doesn’t convey information. A simple round placeholder that is using the same color as the icon is enough for the task here.
Now, some details I noticed here and there.
The down arrow to indicate “Place” could be replaced with a more expressive (+). The cursor already has this pictographic terminology when adding a symbol, and that type of actions are named " Add Symbol", Add Hierarchical Sheet… etc…
The Add hierarchical sheet and label icon are not great at all. The icon representing Hierarchy Sheets in general already exists and is well understood (tree of boxes). Why not simply take the already existing icon and add a + in a circle, like it has been made with the “Leave Sheet” icon?
On the opposite, the down arrow for “Import hierarchical sheet pin” is perfect. It conveys the fact that something that is already existing as data will be used. Great.
The “Paste” circle could also be a down arrow instead of the lined square imo. I didn’t understood what the table stands for.
The “No connection cross” is too big compared with the other features displayed.
The annotation icon could be R?->R1 to get even more eggspressive.
Edit Symbol is missing its edit pen.
Report bug could be a bug over a file (file bug or bug report) instead of a checklist
List hotkey looks like we are about to graph some UML stuff there. A simple cubic Key could do the job.
Configure path could be a folder with a cogwheel.
So yeah, lots of little tweaks. Here is my shot at making some icons, just to show what I have in mind for the hierarchy mostly. And yes, bring the bug back x)
A big thank you to the creator of those icons. That was a big task and it looks awesome already (check this out guys: