Good morning,

In summary several points to see:

A) sometimes (too often for me!) the cursor remains stuck in the work window MORE POSSIBLE to CLICK “File”, …. , tools, and quit Kicad 6.0!

Solutions: the BARBARIAN REBOOT !

B) Kicad 5.1 Menus and Options icons were more ERGONOMIC ON THEM CLEARLY DISTINGUISHED BETTER.

Solutions: You can replace the Kicad 6.0 icon with the Kicade 5.1 icon, or propose the two interfaces, as desired, to the startup configuration.

C) TEST on Kicad 5.1, Kicad 6.0 generated 2 “INFLATING” ERRORS, with PBNEW.

Here they are:

  • the circuit is OK, everything is connected except the ground (GND).

I add a GROUND ZONE (GND), which includes all GND pins.

Test: * circuit OK on …………………………. Kicad 5.1

     * !!!!!!!!!!  Pins not connected for Kicad 6.0  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    =======> ERROR: x pins not connected

While the link and normally done by the GND pland?

D) Following disk crash on Ubuntu 16.4, would it be possible to put back online, in an Old_Version directory, Kicad 5, WITH ALL DEPENDENCES, IN Tar.gz format (for example).

Manual installation is too heavy, even for someone like me!

Similarly, with the version for Windows (old PC), zip format.

E) Bug already reported: Kicad 5 and 6 do not accept the library under Ubuntu.

I dont test on FreeBSD 13.1.

I know why I don’t use Windows, like the “Herd”!


Then, one day, I had this idea, which works.

You don’t like it, so solve this «BUG» too, CLEAN WAY, and not DIY.

I followed during 9 years the evening classes at the CNAM in Paris: Computer cycle A and B, missing the Cycle C to be engineer.

SOLUTION: you have “savagely massacre” me for this solution.

Explanation, because you seem to not understand this solution.

sudo su : Admin mode

chown :grants Administrator rights to the User

chmod: adjust the rights of the file, or directory


maurice@Big:~$ sudo su
[sudo] password of maurice :

root@Big#cd /usr/share/kicad$ ls

root@Big#/usr/share/kicad$ ls

demos library modules plugins scripting template

root@Big#/usr/share/kicad$ chown maurice :root library/.

root@Big#/usr/share/kicad$ chmod 644 Library/.


Here are some feedback to improve the project.

Have a nice day.

Il me semble que vous n’avez pas etudie suffisament a votre Grande Ecole pour apprendre ni l’electronique, ni la programmation, ni l’usage des systemes Unix, ni la langue Anglaise, mais tout qu’il faut pour etre arrogant :wink: Je vous invite a creer des rapports et decrire les problemes que vous avez experimente dans notre Issue Tracker au Gitlab.

PS. Enseignent-t-ils a CNAM qu’ecrire avec des MAJUSCULES c’est comme CRIER?

Bonne soiree,


This is of course a serious bug if it depends on KiCad itself. But it needs to be demonstrated repeatably. Otherwise it’s impossible to find the reason and fix it.

See New icons in nightly if you are interested in opinions. KiCad already has possibility for runtime custom icon sets: icons are in a package, images.tar.gz, which you can change. But creating an icon set is a huge task and nobody has made a complete set AFAIK. As you can read in the thread, the old set was problematic because of licencing issues.

Maybe this helps?


Otherwise, can you give the zipped project for us to check?

This is out of scope for the KiCad project, the volunteers are already burdened with other tasks. Maybe someone knows about Ubuntu package history and can tell if the old packages are available for old systems.

The situation on Windows is a bit different, the old packages are for example in KiCad Downloads.

I don’t understand your explanation, but are you trying to modify the “official” KiCad libraries? They are not meant to be modified. That’s why they are read-only. If you need to modify a symbol or a footprint, copy it to your personal library first. If you need new symbols or footprints, create a personal library (in a folder with read/write permissions) for them. That’s how it works.

Dear Jean Philippe,

I’m using an Ubuntu derivate (now Linux mint Cinnamon) and had sometimes troubles with KICAD in the past. Especially in KICAD 5 I was observing some problems with conflicting system library versions in combination with another preferred tool, FreeCAD. In order to overcome this I had to compile my KICAD version from scratch. Early V6 issue made some troubles with the WX widgets, but with the latest latest issue everything is running smoothly.
If you had a disk crash with 16.4 I would recommend to install a newer long time version (now with kernel version 5.15, support for 16.04 is near the end)
Using the KICAD PPA will avoid a manual installation and set up all the neccessary links.
The transfer from 5.0 to 6.0 projects is mostly quite smooth, but I noticed some “breaks” too, which made some small additional work necessary. However, it was not that dramatical.
In this configuration my KICAD is running without such severe issues, therefore I can recommend this. I’m finally not sure, if KICAD 5.1 will work with the newest Ubuntu flavours due to conflicting system library requirements.
You may give some hint on your current OS in order to propose some way forward to solve your problems.

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