Net tie, possible bug? (Kicad v5.0.2-1)

as a Kicad newbie user maybe I’m wrong but, to me, it seems there is something wrong when using push and shove router and Net Tie; As visible in the image below, it seems Kicad does allow me to violate DRC rules; in fact, the two pads I’m trying to connect (the ones indicated by the yellow arrow) gets connected passing trough a Net Tie (the zone evidenced by the orange circle) that doesn’t belong to the same net name of the two pads I’m trying to connect

Am I wrong? Is it a bug?

Thank you,

In the current implementation net ties are kind of byproduct of how copper items and DRC work. Net ties have non-pad copper items between pads, and DRC doesn’t take that kind of copper into account. This enables net ties but isn’t an ideal solution for them.

In the future another kind of net tie is in plans. Until then you have to be careful when you use net ties. Maybe you could design the net tie a bit differently, so that the pads are longer and the non-pad copper is shorter. That way the tracks wouldn’t go so easily between the pads.


Ahhhh, ok, got it! thank you!

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