Display of crossings

Is this display possible in Kicad?
You can set this in Altium.
I find it makes reading the circuit diagram much easier.


This subject has been around for awhile and I grew tired of waiting so, I made a Symbol for it… symbol takes two-minutes to make…

Thanks, nice idea but too time-consuming for me. :grinning:

I understand and, given below image (showing the poll was posted in 2021), you may not have to wait much longer, perhaps only a few more years :wink:

For many years I’ve followed this simple rule: NO connections at crossed wires, ever.

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This was the subject of my very first post here :wink:

An interesting thought?

If wires A are inadvertently left on B after some Drag function has been used; the result is C.
If Hop-overs/Duck-unders were available and used, would the result of the A to B Drag be D?

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