Hi again. Using KiCad 7.0.0
When I have a Net (with or without a via) connected to a component, and I want to connect that trace to a different component pad with a different Net name, I can change the Net of the trace, and I get this extremely helpful message:
“Changing the net will also update U1 pad 6 to [New Net Name]”
And I do this, and it does everything I hope for: It updates the trace I selected, all connected traces, the connected via, the traces connected to the other side of the via AND the pad on the component pad that trace is connected to. Perfect!
However, if the other end of of all the connected trace segments and via(s) is NOT connected to another component pad, then I don’t get this message at all, and it only changes the current segment of the current trace.
I did find a similar topic at Reassigning a net name on a trace which says to “Do a u
to select all connected segments.”
But I tried that, and it only selects the trace segments up to the Via, but does not select the Via or the trace segments connected to the other side of the via.
So, my best work around seems to be to place a dummy component and connect the final end to a pad, to force KiCad to give me the “Changing the net will also update…” message, and change everything along the entire trace & via path.
Is there a way to first select not only the entire trace, but all connected vias and subsequent connected traces when an end component pad is not connected?
Seems like the functionality is there to change the entire trace segments and vias, I just don’t know how to tell KiCad to do it when no component end pad is connected.
Thanks everyone for your great & kind help!