Cleanup Disconnected but Really Connected Traces

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I am not doing reverse engineering, per se, but I am going backwards through the natural workflow. I have schematics and I have imported a PCB layout from Altium Circuit Maker. Many of the traces are curved and routed in an artistic manner. The problem is that frequently the end-points of overlapping tracks don’t line up, but I’m pretty sure the DRC shows connectivity (I need to confirm this).

But, there is no way to easily select the entire net using the U key, even repeatedly. When the highlighting reaches one of these discontinuities, it stops. I can then manually to SHIFT-U or SHIFT-click to continue adding segments to the selection, but that can be really annoying one some of the really long tracks.

The cleanup PCB tracks tool does not fix the problem. In the cleanup graphic items tool, there is a very promising option to fix-up discontinuities in the board outline, and you can specify a tolerance in mm. But you can’t ask it to fix up circuit traces on other layers.

Am I missing something?

EDIT: Another point. Even after you assign the correct net to all the tracks, the U command doesn’t jump a discontinuity still.

EDIT2: Using the X manual route command makes it very easy to fix these. There is a setting about fixing discontinuities on click when you press X. Not ideal for a large board, but this won’t be too painful.

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