Cant start simulation in Kicad

Hello why i cant start the simulation of this schematic of an 5 v to 12 v converter

Looks like none of the parts have models associated. I’d strongly encourage you to go through this written tutorial to get the basics of spice simulation and try just one thing at a time to get a feel for the software: KiCad Eeschema as GUI for ngspice, tutorial for setting up the simulation

There are also lots of examples and a few video tutorials on the forum here: Introductory videos on simulation with ngspice in KiCad 8

What is the function of R3 being shorted?
Why your GND wire have two GND power symbols connected to it?
What is the intention of small wire step-up between C2 and Q1?
Are you really interested how this converter works being not loaded?

ngSpice also does not recognize things like a connector to connect a battery (power source) to your schematic. There are also two red ERC arrows. They seem to be open connections, and ngSpice does not like that.

When starting with simulations (apart from reading tutorials) having some working examples to start with is a useful tool. See the links below.

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