Thank you very much. Long time Kicad user, but could never wrap my head around simulations. Your videos are exactly what I needed to get started. Showing how to use the interal (kicad) models, how to get models from ngspice, and how to get models from manufactures. Your pacing is perfict and I am able to follow along in my copy of kicad 8.
Thank you gain !!
Indeed I want to restrict this channel to usage questions on ngspice in KiCad 8. I don’t know if your example contains broadly intesting usage questions.
The main problem in the Wuerth bouncing simulation is: How to get the data of Fig. 6 into a form readable by ngspice? Does Wuerth provide such data?
I was talking about the classic debounce circuit in figure 9. As for the values perhaps try R1=10K, R2=22K and C1=1uF. The diode is just a small signal diode. The actual bouncing is something that (as far as I know) impossible to simulate.
The point of this exercise is to simulate that there is a controlled discharge and charge of the capacitor when the switch is pressed/released. We can then measure these values (and they are different due to the different resistors) so that the simulation can give the end user an idea is how long the charge/discharge takes and is reflected at the point labelled ‘port’.