Zone setback influenced by edgecut line thickness. Why?

Why does the line thickness of the edge.cuts layer graphic lines influence the setback of a filled zone?

Check out these two screenshots I made, how different settings for the line width influences the zone fill clearance to the edge of the board, which by definition should be the center of the line, not the edge…?!
This would make sense if that line width would define the milling width, but that is not the case and not how the edge.cuts layer is supposed to work.

edge line with 0.5 mm width, filled zone setback from center of line 0.75 mm:

edge line with 0.05 mm width, filled zone setback from center of line 0.525 mm:

I suspect the code doesn’t care what object is in the way, be it a track or line.

Filed a bug report -
Maybe it’s important down the road for getting the inner workings right for other features.
At the moment I can work around it, no big deal.

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