Wrong symbols on PCB?

Hello there!

Im using a Combo XLR Jack in my schematic, which is split between the xlr and the 6,3mm aux part. so far so good.

The problem occures on the pcb. there are 4 combojacks, even though i only have 2. so kicad takes every part of the combo jack as a independent one.

Ive already tried deleting two of these since there are already all pins from the aux port in the xlr symbol and visca varsa, but i cant route some pins for some reason even tho they are connected in the schematic.

Can you help me with that?
Thanks a lot!

I see J1, J2, J5 and J6. That is 4 footprint and they must have (at least) 4 separate schematic symbols. KiCad does support splitting a single footprint into multiple schematic symbols (For example a TL074, where each of the opamps is shown separately in the schematic) but not the other way around.

I also do see ratsnest lines, so KiCad does recognize connections. But overall, I do not understand what your problem is. It is easier if you:

  1. Make a copy of your project. (Save as… with a different name)
  2. Delete most of the other circuitry, (It’s not relevant here).
  3. Delete the fp-info-cache file (it’s big, but not important) and the backup directory (not interesting either)
  4. Zip up the project and post it here.

However, as an automated anti-spam measure, new users can not upload files. See the link below for more info.

Alternatively, also post a picture of your schematic. How many connector symbols are there on the schematic? and how do they relate to these footprints?

Thank you for your reply!

My problem is that i have all the pins i need in the xlr like symbols, so the other two are spare and not needed on the pcb. if i keep them, they are appearing on the finished pcb later.
Additionately, i cant connect pins the way they are connected in the schematic.

My first Combo Jack got a direct connection to my preamp, but i cant route them.

To your last questions: The schematic is fine.
When i insert a Combo Jack, two components comes up with the pins i need. so thats perfectly alright. :smiley:


Your screenshot of the schematic is too small. It must show all relevant connectors, and all text belonging to those connectors. What is the RefDes of that (I assume 3.5mm) audio jack?

And also:
In KiCad, you can assign any footprint to any schematic symbol. You can assign an XLR connector to an opamp symbol and KiCad will just do it. It is your own responsibility that this mapping from symbols to footprint works correctly.


Its a 6,3mm audio jack.

The foodprint is the same combo jack model as the symbol.

Are both the vertical and horizontal versions of this XLR connector on the schematic? If so, mark one or the other as DNP (Do Not Populate) on the schematic. The check box for this is found in the “Attributes” pane in the Symbol Properties window (“E” shortcut when you hover over a symbol on the schematic).

nope. just the vertical pcb mount one. the other one is the 6,3mm aux.

When KiCad splits schematic symbols, it places a letter (A, B, C, etc) after the RefDes.
So, on the schematic J6A and J6B are different symbols, but they are units of the same physical footprint J6 on the PCB (without a suffix).

I am also still not sure what you want the PCB to look like. J5B looks like an audio jack on the schematic, but it has an XLR footprint on the PCB. Do you want another footprint type for that?

In KiCad, pin numbers on schematic symbols also have to match the pad numbers in the footprint. You can have an “S” or an “T” pin in the schematic, but then the footprint also needs to use the same “S” and “T” pad names. This is all very much beginner stuff explained in tutorials.

i understand.

The main goal i have is to have the XLR just like it is later on the pcb as here:
but without the additional jacks. i dont need these because the pins are on the xlr anyway.

i initially thought that this could caused the routing issue i told earlier.
but i think there are some issues with the foodprints so i cant route them like i did in the schematic.

Thank you!

Your Channel 1 XLR is designated J6, but the corresponding Jack is J5. This will create 2 seperate footprints on your board.

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I really dont know why this happend. tried adding a new one and its the same. J8A and J8B :smiley:

Are J8A and B different symbols or different parts of the same symbol ? each symbol has a footprint, if you have two symbols you have two footprints, if you have one symbol with two parts then you will have one footprint.

its one symbol with two parts

So you will have one footprint, J8

That worked!

Thank you all!

But i still cant route GN to one of my Diagnostic Ports on the preamp. even tho they are connected in the schematic.
And i can tell that the foodprints are right

oh damn i think i know why. these pins have no contact with the pcb whatsoever.


My fault

Check all your clearance settings in your board setup (Design rules > Constraints), that MAX device looks like it’s pads are too close to each other to comply with your constraints.

i changed my lane width to 0,1mm. but it is still the same. the lanes are smaller than one pad.