Where should I report a missing translation?

I wish to report a missing translation in Print Preview dialogs in both EEschema and PCBNew, but selecting I18N gives me an error 404 Page not found.


Open Kicad then > Help > Report Bug, which will take you to Gitlab. you then have to (if not already) create an account there after which you report the bug.

thank you, I know this, but shouldn’t be every bug report put under a specific category, for example “Translation”?


Are you thinking of the tooltips for the first page (double arrow left), previous page (arrow left), next page (arrow right) and last page (double arrow right) buttuns, and the close button?
They seem not to translate to swedish either, in Nightly.

The print button as well as the + and - do translate.


No. You start the title with “Translation Problem” or “Feature Request” or “PCB Bug in …” or whatever, and the Helpers or Developers then do the sorting.

FYI, It is not generally worthwhile to report translation problems in nightly builds. When strings are changed, the translation goes away until a translator has a chance to update the translation, and many translators do not bother to do this until after feature freeze / string freeze (since their work could be made redundant by other string changes)

(Not clear if @s.besso is running nightly builds, but I mention this because @hmk is)

This is not quite true – we look for reporters to at least categorize between problems with the KiCad software and for example issues with the website or documentation.

Before reporting a translation issue, it is helpful to check Weblate to see if the string in question is just missing a translation in your language. If that’s the case, there is no need to open a Gitlab issue about it – you can contribute a fix if you speak the language.

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Thanks, I didn’t know, and I wonder how many do know.
Is the Weblate information easy to find for those who wish to report translation issues?
If not, does someone on the Bug site explain and guide the reporter to Weblate?

More info is here: Translation | Developer Documentation | KiCad

If not, does someone on the Bug site explain and guide the reporter to Weblate?

Yes, someone should do this if a reporter opens a translation bug, but it’s better if the translation bug doesn’t get opened in the first place (saves time)

Of course!
This will make a good FAQ :smiley:

Getting late now, a job for me for tomorrow.

Will probably plagiarize some of your comments… hope you don’t mind! :slightly_smiling_face:

the report is here:


no nightly, I use only stable builds, in this case 7.0.5.


oh, well, I didn’t even know of WebLate. I will give it a look and, in case, I will correct the strings by myself.

Thank you.


I run both nightly and 7.0.5, and in this case the issue is the exact same in both.

I don’t find any “Last page” string in Weblate.
→ Is it not made translatable in the source code?

Application: KiCad Schematic Editor x86_64 on x86_64

Version: 7.0.5-1.fc37, release build

wxWidgets 3.2.1
FreeType 2.12.1
HarfBuzz 5.2.0
FontConfig 2.14.1
libcurl/7.85.0 OpenSSL/3.0.9 zlib/1.2.12 brotli/1.0.9 libidn2/2.3.4 libpsl/0.21.1 (+libidn2/2.3.3) libssh/0.10.5/openssl/zlib nghttp2/1.51.0

Platform: Fedora release 37 (Thirty Seven), 64 bit, Little endian, wxGTK, KDE, wayland

Build Info:
Date: May 26 2023 00:00:00
wxWidgets: 3.2.1 (wchar_t,wx containers) GTK+ 3.24
Boost: 1.78.0
OCC: 7.6.3
Curl: 7.85.0
ngspice: 40
Compiler: GCC 12.3.1 with C++ ABI 1017

Build settings:

I somehow missed that this was about Print Preview earlier.

Print Preview is a function provided by your operating system, not KiCad. So any translation issues with it can’t be fixed in KiCad code.

wow! I am on WebLate just now and there is no trace of the Italian language…

Screenshot - 22_06_2023 , 15_23_07


Italian and French have dedicated translators who do not use Weblate, so they are absent.

But as noted above, this problem is not with KiCad.

but the operating system IS Italian…

And, as far as I remember, those two buttons were untranslated since version 5.x

I’ve seen that also some tooltips (arrow buttons) are not translated but the other buttons’ tooltips are translated.


Same here, I have swedish operating system and some of the buttons translate to swedish, some do not, like described above.

But it seems that you run windows, and I run fedora linux with KDE Plasma.
How can it be that two completely different OS:es and user interfaces have the same issue? Does KiCad send / not send some information to the OS which would activate the translation in the OS?

Though it seems that when I klick print preview in Kwrite (a text editor in the KDE environment), the print preview is entirely in english (not translated) even if Kwrite itself is translated to swedish…

Are you 100% certain that KiCad has nothing to do with it?

The issue is the same on both Windows 10 and fedora Linux with KDE Plasma, so two entirely different OS:es would need to have the exact same issue…?