Where is KiCad (or ngspice) saving the simulation results, or how do I save them?

I am doing a simulation with KiCad and want to open the simulation results with another software (Python). Until now, I was simply clicking in FileExport current plot as CSV in the simulator window. This works for playing around, but is very cumbersome, and does not scale for larger projects. If I click in the Show SPICE netlist button, I see the .save all directive is there. Where is that data saved? In which format? Is it possible to automatically save all the signals as CSV from KiCad? Or in some other binary format? I tried adding wrdata result.csv all, as suggested here, but does not seem to work, as it produces Error: vector time not found!.

In case it is not clear, I am interested in saving all signals, without having to write all the names, as I have hundreds.


I removed the wrdata result.csv all and inserted this into my canvas:

* wait until simulation has finished
set controlswait
* cd into a directory with writing access
cd /home/myself/my_simulation/
* set ouput format for cvs
set wr_vecnames
set wr_singlescale
option numdgt=7
* data to csv file
wrdata result.csv all

Now ngspice produces a whole lot of warnings and errors.

THe results are saved in ngspice.

is missing.

Thanks, adding the .endc indeed made it work, i.e.

* wait until simulation has finished
set controlswait
* cd into a directory with writing access
cd /home/myself/my_simulation/
* set ouput format for cvs
set wr_vecnames
set wr_singlescale
option numdgt=7
* data to csv file
wrdata result.csv all

Then in Python it is possible to open with Pandas, using the option sep='\s+': pandas.read_csv('result.csv', sep='\s+').

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