So, just got a bunch of boards back from JLCPCB without any V cuts on the boards.
I used the KiKit plugin to panel my PCBs and exported the User Comments layer with the other layers to make the to upload, and see there is a User_Comments.gbr in the zip files…Did I do something wrong?
Please kindly make sure that the v-cut lines, cut outs, millings and slots are in the same layer with the board outline. If it is not in the same layer with the board outline, it will be missed. So please kindly check it before you place your order.If it is missed due to they are not in the same layer with the board outline, we will not responsible for it.(If the slots are to be plated, it needs to be with the drill holes in the same layer, or it will be missed easily). …
Newer versions of the Gerber file format have dedicated layers for V-grooving.
But as far as I know it’s not implemented in KiCad. Maybe you could rename a user layer to what it should be for V-grooving according to Gerber, but then you still have the issue that PCB manufacturers tend to simply not implement or ignore a lot of the somewhat “exotic” Gerber features.
Result is that you have to go hunting on the website of your PCB manufacturer to find whatever format they want for this, just like retiredfeline showed you.