V8 is so close for making wiring diagrams. And yet so far

I really want to compile all of my views and wiring diagrams and bundle with schematics. My current workflow requires 3D CAD, KIcad and Corel.

Now that V8 can import graphics into the schematic and allows wires placed over them, it’s almost there.
There are just some frustrating issues.

First off, no layer control. I need to be able to establish a hierarchy. What is behind, what is in front and so on.

Second, compatibility. When I plot a file from PCBnew as DXF or SVG, it imports into EEschema fine. If I open those files in Corel, make tweaks and export as DXF or SVG, they no longer open in EEschema.
I get a popup that says “No Graphics Found in this File”.

Third, when I do import files plotted from PCBnew, KICAD changes colors. For example: plot to SVG in black and white, import and now it’s blue.
I have no control over imported graphics colors.

Fourth, if I plot with silkscreen I get part outlines, references and values. And all text is doubled. Disable silkscreen and I lose my part outlines. Disable “plot references” and “plot values” and I lose all text.
What’s the secret to exporting with only one instance of reference and value?

Maybe I’m going this all wrong. Do I need to use FreeCAD for exporting realistic images? When I export STP files I wind up with hopelessly large files that are nearly impossible to work with in Corel.

Some guidance please, I’m all in on KICAD and it’s so close. Thanks!

Here’s an example of doubled text. Exported and opened in Corel.

Here’s a typical export. Not very usable for a wiring diagram.

Another export, as it appears when imported into EEschema. Also not very usable.

Here is the pcb preview image generated by pcbway from my gerber files. It’s very realistic and I would happily use it for wiring diagrams. Even with the low resolution. But, it won’t import into EEschema. No matter how I export it from Corel.

First issue, KiCad’s PCB editor does not do much with colors. Color is almost solely deterimined by the layer an object is on, although some items (in “Appearance Manager / objects” such as via’s and THT pads have their own colors)

There is apparently some incompatibility in the graphics formats between Koreldraw and KiCad. Maybe updating coreldraw from the “2017” version to a new version works. You can also try some other programs to get closer whether coreldraw’s output is faulty, or KiCad’s input is defective.

Posting some simple images (for example from a rectangle or a circle) can help for diagnosing the problem.

For the double text. I don’t know what you are plotting exactly. Some text is present both on a silkscreen layer and on a fab layer. Do you plot on one layer per file? Also, make sure the whole column with "“Plot on all layers”** is empty while plotting from KiCad.

I am also confused by what you want to do. Apparently you have a PCB in the PCB editor, then want to export that and import it in the schematic editor. It looks like reverse-engineering. Is this correct?

My own workflow would be different mostly because schematic layout is done by function, and PCB layout by optimizing electrical connection, and because of the difference between those, overlaying one over the other does not help much.

My own workflow is roughly:

  1. Import the PCB into the PCB editor.
  2. “Guess” the schematic, or parts of it.
  3. Do normal footprint assignment in the schematic.
  4. Port the footprints to the PCB with Tools / Update PCB from Schematic [F8].
  5. Match old and new on the PCB.
  6. Make corrections to the schematic, update PCB and compare them with DRC.
  7. Repeat until done.

Some years ago I made a more thorough write-up for this:

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Thanks for replying.

I’m not trying to reverse engineer anything. I’m trying to get my own pcb layout into schematic editor, along with the CAD for my chassis and the symbols for my parts (in this case a 9 pin vacuum tube socket), so I can draw wires for a wiring diagram.

Here’s a small clip of my current example

I have to fully document all electrical, mechanical, BOM and wiring so my assemblers can build the products. Also, if I do design for other companies, I have to deliver a comprehensive package.

In this clip, I have the 9 pin socket symbol that I made. It’s placed, but I can’t rotate it the correct degree. I’ll have to assemble the chassis and part outlines in CAD, import that as DXF and then add the pcb image and draw the wires.

The more realistic my diagrams, the less likely the assemblers will make mistakes. Even down to the thickness of each wire. We use a mix of 300V and 600V. A visual reference to thicker or thinner is helpful.

Is this what you’re wanting to do… I did Not spend more than 1-minute on this, I used only tools in Kicad. No SVG, only PNG’s were used.

For a real document, I use LibreOffice (could use any program)… Libre has nice Macro ability and I have a One-Click macro (made from a ‘Watch-Me-Do’) that imports Kicad Schematic into a Text file… but, that’s a different story…

I dragged the one on lower right over the Nano and you can see through it for doing wire hookups…

Essentially, yes. But I need to include my chassis, sockets, switches, pots etc. I need to show a complete assembly with wiring in place.

69 50 WATT LEAD.pdf (1.7 MB)

Here’s one from the old days. A 50 watt Marshall. It doesn’t have the chassis, but things are in their relative positions.

If I could a graphic file from the 3D render page in Perspective or Orthographic, I could use that. I can adjust colors there. I’ve created STP files for all of my components.

Wait! Apparently I can select Orthographic now. The resolution is still crappy, but it’s a start.

Best to make dumb-Footprint’s to hold STEP files of the parts you want… example shows Screws, Housing… I’m in a rush and can’t spend more time now but, will return later…

A view of the enclosure/parts, for clarity…

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One step forward, 3 steps back. Export from 3D render. Import into Corel.

Resolution sucks and scale is off.

So you’ve already found 3D Viewer / File / Export Current View as JPEG

A test confirms that the exported picture has the same number of pixels as the canvas in the 3D viewer. I could get it quite big by:

  1. Move the window towards the lower right corner.
  2. Resize by dragging the upper left corner of the window to the upper left corner of the monitor.
  3. Repeat a few times.

The screenshot below is loaded into a picture viewer and the picture has a resolution of 6696x4535 pixels. That should be enough.

If you want really beautiful renders. Several people have used Blender for this, and there are tutorials. But beware, Blender is a very beautiful and powerful program, but this comes with a pretty complex user interface.

Have you already discovered: Schematic Editor / Place / Add Image. With this you can directly load an bitmap image in the schematic editor. In the schematic editor, the picture has resize squares in the corners. You can also directly enter a location and scale factor by editing the images properties.

Which functions do you use to draw the colored lines in the schematic editor? In the schematic editor, lines are pretty much all orthogonal, or at least straight lines. Arcs are possible too, but no bezier curves and such. You can use the schematic setup to assign wire thicknesses and colors to netclasses, but it’s a bit cumbersome to setup and use for a function like this. It would be easy enough to create a schematic symbol for a tube socket. For the imported image, you could put “test point” symbol on it and start wires from those.

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When I export my 3D image, with the screen full size and the board filling 99% of the view, it comes out at 72 DPI. Too low to use and scale.


Note that in step 1, I moved most of the window off screen, and then in step 2 I can resize the window to be bigger then the screen resolution. Linux can do this, I don’t know if windows can do this. It may be OS dependent. Another option is to buy a bigger monitor 1920x1080 is quite small these days. KiCad can also have both the schematic and PCB editors open at the same time, and a higher resolution or dual monitor setup is really nice. I bought a 107cm 4k monitor a few years back. I still have my old 24" monitor in portrait mode next to it (almost same height) but I very rarely have a need to turn it on. Sometimes I still use it to show PDF datasheets.

KiCad itself is also able to vectorize pictures. Have you ever experimented with KiCad’s Image Converter?

Thanks. I did drag the 3D view window as large as Windows would allow. The resolution maxed out at 72 DPI. And it cut off the not visible part of the board.

I haven’t tried the Image Convertor. But I’m getting pretty frustrated and should probably walk a way for a while.
I’ll check back later.

Yikes! Image Convertor was NOT the solution.

Ok so DPI does not mean what you think it means. DPI of 72 is the legacy way of saying that no DPI value has been set (since systems that talk about DPI have to have some translation value). The only thing that matters is number of pixels. DPI is just a scaling factor you can re scale all you want.

Ok so if your screen isn’t big enough for the render then maybe you can render it in a virtual space that has a bigger screen

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Thanks, I’m open to suggestions. I just need a productive workflow.

I’ve got several new products getting ready for production and lots to document. I got excited for V8 and the possibility of streamlining the process.

The resulting default Image Size is a function of the DPI and Size Settings in most Image software.

Example (on mac):
PNG from Kicad = 72dpi
In Mac’s default Image-Viewer, I reset it to 144dpi
In LibreOffice, I set it to 288dpi

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