V6 Translations -- Last Call

Hi All-

We are reaching the last month before v6 and our translations are in amazing shape! Thanks to some incredible work on the part of numerous contributors, we have a significant group of languages fully translated.

If you can help with any of the remaining languages that are almost complete, we’d love to get them included in KiCad version 6 as well.

Once again, congratulations and thank you to everyone who has contributed to making this so successful


Just as a remainder on how does it work (from here):

Memo about how did I do the translation (memo):

  1. Go to webplate , there is no need to have an account (at least worked for me);
  2. Select language, then “Translate” button on the top right;
  3. Translate proposed string and use buttons “Save” / “Suggest” / “Skip” (I don’t know the difference between “Save” and “Suggest” buttons);
  4. That is it (strings will appear in commit list after several weeks).
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Why is the Italian language not listed?
I could make my contribution.

I was going to comment that nobody has started an Italian translation (I checkd in weblate) but my nightly has the italian language option, maybe it is an offline translation ?

Application: KiCad PCB Editor (64-bit)

Version: (6.0.0-rc1-57-gf03efa1cba), release build

	wxWidgets 3.1.5
	libcurl/7.78.0-DEV Schannel zlib/1.2.11

Platform: Windows 10 (build 18362), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW

Build Info:
	Date: Nov 18 2021 12:01:02
	wxWidgets: 3.1.5 (wchar_t,wx containers)
	Boost: 1.76.0
	OCC: 7.5.0
	Curl: 7.78.0-DEV
	ngspice: 35
	Compiler: Visual C++ 1929 without C++ ABI

Build settings:

Save changes the current translation with the new one, Suggest keeps current translation and also shows the suggestion, so translators can review the suggestion and decide if they should keep it or not.

IMO is is better to use the suggestion in order to not disturb someone’s work.

Translating KiCad is a huge task i can say, and when a lot of people are getting involved inconsistencies are to be expected, this has a direct impact on new users.

A translator is working solo for this language and probably doesn’t want his work to be disturbed from other contributors.

It’s Marco Ciampa, he communicates in the developer mailing list, so you can ask him directly.

Italian and French language translations are provided by translators working outside Weblate (Marco Ciampa and Jean-Pierre Charras respectively). Any questions about those two language translations should be raised on the developer’s list as eelik suggests.

This is true for strings that are already translated. But for strings without translations, please use ‘Save’. Otherwise, we do not get the translation in KiCad.

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