Unnecessary Font Warning (Annoyance)

I get the following alert every time I open a footprint or schematic after a fresh launch.
“KiCad Warning
Font ‘Avenir Heavy’ not found; substituting ‘Avenir Heavy’.”

Seems like KiCad found what it said it couldn’t find.
Any way to convince KiCad that everything is OK?

Edit: (version 8.0.1)


Please post the version - Help / About KiCad
Otherwise we can only guess.

As mentioned, it is important to include the version number.

A related bug reported during 7.0.7 was fixed for the 8.0 release:

That fix specifically addresses “non-binary for weights” like “heavy.”

It’s 8.0.1

Your operating system is also required.

It is best if you open Kicad and go to:
Help > About Kicad, then in the top RH corner, click “Copy Version Info”.

After that , open a post in this thread and select “Paste”.

Application: KiCad arm64 on arm64

Version: 8.0.1, release build

wxWidgets 3.2.4
FreeType 2.13.2
HarfBuzz 8.3.0
FontConfig 2.15.0
libcurl/8.4.0 (SecureTransport) LibreSSL/3.3.6 zlib/1.2.12 nghttp2/1.58.0

Platform: macOS Sonoma Version 14.4.1 (Build 23E224), 64 bit, Little endian, wxMac

Build Info:
Date: Mar 14 2024 13:30:33
wxWidgets: 3.2.4 (wchar_t,wx containers)
Boost: 1.84.0
OCC: 7.7.2
Curl: 7.87.0
ngspice: 42
Compiler: Clang 14.0.3 with C++ ABI 1002

Build settings:

Thanks @_r_y_a_n

You may have to wait 'till someone knowing something about Mac. is available.