Unable to simulate schematic

i downloaded this schematic from @halger’s page and it was working till i tried to remove LM317 and put it in my self in same schematic
the file i downloaded from his page was having LM317 lib file also which i used in to identify the model but it still doesn’t work.
please guide me what i did wrong here
thanks a lot in advance

.title KiCad schematic
.include “C:/Users/mohsa/OneDrive/Desktop/New folder (2)/LM317/LM317/LM317.lib”
.save all
.probe alli
.dc V1 0 15 100m
XU1 Net-U1-ADJ Vout Vin LM317
R2 Net-U1-ADJ GND 1.5k
R1 Vout Net-U1-ADJ 240
V1 Vin GND DC 15

i changed resistance value and input voltage but when i deleted LM317 and put same model with same packaging it didn’t work. even i used same LIB file which was used before

.title KiCad schematic
.include “C:/Users/mohsa/OneDrive/Desktop/New folder (2)/LM317/LM317/LM317.lib”
.save all
.probe alli
.dc V1 0 15 0.1
R1 /adj GND 1.5k
XU1 in /adj out LM317
R2 out /adj 240
V1 in GND 15
this is spice netlist from original schematic which still works

You have to attach the model from file LM317.lib
you have to do the appropriate pin assignment

Just Compare .
XU1 Net-U1-ADJ Vout Vin LM317
XU1 in /adj out LM317
from the netlists.

thanks @holger
it resolved my issue here
i’m not able to add lib files for other schematics, is there a proper way to do it and if u can give a tutorial specific to that.
again thanks for help