First off, this is NOT a post of hate on KiCad or the librarians.
It IS, however, a sad statement of the truth.
One of the most common questions on this forum are about the libraries. Over the last couple of days I have found out why. Two things happened. First, I attempted to use the KiCad libraries for a demonstration of KiCad at the maker space. Second, I decided to clamp down on the data bandwidth that KiCad keeps using to talk to GitHub.
The maker space has a member that goes to the DEFCON convention every year. He brought back a wide variety of Electronic Badges. Well, on that theme I thought I could do a presentation with KiCad “on-the-fly”. Turns out, that was very challenging using the GitHub footprint libraries. In fact, I could not find a battery holder a common CR2032 coin cell. Several members had suggestions for where to look, but not a single one of us was able to intuitively find this footprint.
My projects are to a point where I need more organization of both the KiCad libraries and my own developing personal libraries. Ugghh, if anyone has done this, they know my aggravation. One of the worst offenders is having to decide to download all the GiHub libraries again, or add them all manually. I decided it would take me less time if I went ahead and downloaded them all yet again.
I’ve done some searching, and I was not able to find a coin cell holder footprint (CR2032) that matches anything I can currently purchase at Digikey.
While doing my internal library creation, I noted that there are coin cell holders in other libraries other then the “battery holder” library.
I also browsed a few other libraries, and found things that made me wonder, "Why are these in this named library.
I’ll even agree to help to fix this mess, but if I do, all battery holders are going to get moved to the “battery holder” library.