Switches library dpdt separate symbols has incorrect pin numbering

I just tried to use the SW_DPDT_x2 part and the second half of the switch has pins labeled as 3,4,5, rather than what I was expecting: 4,5,6. Is what is in the library correct? How would I change it?

KiCad 4.0.6 on Windows

EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.3

So is there a better way than going into the switches.lib file and editing

C -80 0 20 0 0 0 N
C 80 -100 20 0 0 0 N
C 80 100 20 0 1 0 N
P 2 0 1 0 -60 10 65 90 N
X A 1 200 100 100 L 50 50 1 1 P
X B 2 -200 0 100 R 50 50 1 1 P
X C 3 200 -100 100 L 50 50 1 1 P
X A 4 200 100 100 L 50 50 2 1 P
X B 5 -200 0 100 R 50 50 2 1 P
X C 6 200 -100 100 L 50 50 2 1 P

4.0.7 for Windows 4,5,6
You are using an obsolete KiCad build

You can bring it up into the parts editor and make it to your liking. This is one reason to have a personal library to save it to. Once you have verified it to your liking/use you don’t have to do it every time. Just don’t get too comfortable because things change. :wink:

Latest version for Windows is 4.0.7 or am I missing something? How much changes in a sub dot release?

So when you upgrade, where do the files that you created go? It remembers that you had a project, but where did the files go?

Hate to say it, but probably best to create your own.

It does take some time to learn how to do it the first couple of attempts. However, it does get much easier with practice.

I can’t remember where the default location is.

You might be very frustrated right now, and with good reason. I hope the developers will get your feedback and make positive changes.

Not frustrated at all. I have been working with open source since before there was Slackware. I am thankful for the forums. If I come across as frustrated, sorry!

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The current stable release is 4.0.7 and we recommend this for most KiCad users.

The stable release has evolved from 4.0.0 to 4.0.7 over two years with very few new features, many bug fixes and a lot of library changes

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I only replied as if I had the same experience; it would aggravate me!

Basically, in your case, with the DPDT switch symbol, someone decided to make it a multi-part symbol. And, it seems this can make sense in some designs. For reasons of reading this forum and the problems with them I have avoided them.

The Symbol Library and the Footprint Library are done in KiCad two completely different ways. The Symbol Libraries are downloaded with the KiCad program. The very small upgrade may well have changed the symbol for the part you selected.

Again, the answer is to learn to create your own libraries; including Symbol, Footprint, and 3D model libraries. It is not that hard, and everything ends up how you like them.

Should possibly read a lot of “Symbol” library changes?

Or do I not know something?

All libs have gotten lots of contributions over the last few years.
But only symbol and 3d model libs are shipped with a default installation. (footprint libs are online libs.)

Having said that, even footprint lib repository are tagged with the kicad version number. So it is possible to have local footprint libs of a specific release. (python script that adds this functionality)

Also remember that a lot of footprint libs have been declared obsolete, while many more new libs have been added.

Do you have your projects in the system directory? This would be very bad practice.

If your projects are in your user directory kicad will not delete or otherwise change them on update.

The same holds true for personal libraries. Do not ever store your personal symbols, footprints or 3d files into the system libs. Make your own libs that you store in a user directory (Linux does not let you store to the system libs. Not sure how windows does handle file access for system files.)

Yes the latest is 4.0.7

To be honest the libs should not automatically update without user input. But because of the default footprint lib setup we don’t really have a choice

A better way would be to have the libs separated from the core package with their own release cycle. But the current infrastructure does not allow this. (One repo per footprint lib nonsense dictated by the stupid github plugin.)

Is this correct?

Are the 3d models the reason for the HUGE nightly installation file?

I thought we explained that to you a few posts back.

Edit: Yes we did:

Why would anyone do that?

I have limited bandwidth; and I could select the ones I wanted from GitHub.

I think we might need a bigger boat…

Multipart switch symbols could make sense for dip switches where each switch is independent.
For DPDT keeping the two parts together is essential to remind you that the two units are locked

DPDT makes perfect sense to be a multi-part symbol:

  • can have only on half used in an effort to reduce BOM count
  • can be used in very different logical sections of a circuit
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Possibly. My opinion, default libraries should be independent of the tools. That is you should be able to update the software separate from the libraries. But if you choose to update the ‘base’ libraries then they should get updated. If you make changes to the ‘base’ libraries then that is why you have user libraries.