UC1825 simulation


I downloaded the UC1825 simulation from the page below. I cannot get it to work even setting sim parameters. I get the following error:

Error on line:
b.xu1.xu8.xu5.be_ctrls1 xu1.xu8.xu5.e_ctrls1_int1 0 v= if ( v(xu1.xu8.32) > ( 5.000000000000000e-01 ) , 5.0000000000e+00 , 0.0000000000e+00 )
parameter value out of range or the wrong type
Error: circuit not parsed.

I have uploaded a Version of the UC1825 power supply simulation modified for KiCad 8.0.4 to More simulation examples for KiCad/Eeschema/ngspice - #4 by holger .

The simulation “runs” but Vout is “0”. The drive signals for the MOSFETs turn off after 0.5ms.

Is there something I need to do?

I should have tested my 7z file better before uploading. There has been some bug.

Now I have replaced it with a (hopefully) running version.