Trying to follow the "Getting Started in KiCad" tutorial

I have installed KiCad (Version: 5.1.5-5.1.5) on my openSUSE 15.1 system and am now working through the “Getting Started” guide. At Step 25 (Page 13 in the PDF version, dated May 2020) it invites me to jump to the “Make Schematic Symbols in KiCad” section. This I do… This is Section 7.1 on page 34 (of the same PDF file).

After the introduction in Section 1., Section 2. invites me to click on the “Library Editor” icon and then the “New Component” icon. Both of which are shown as having the same (OpAmp) image.

However… When I run Eeschema and hover over the “OpAmp” icon on the top tool bar it says “Create, delete, and edit symbols” and not “Library Editor”? There is also an “OpAmp” icon on the right-hand toolbar and the hover popup for that says “Place Symbol”.

In the hope that it a simple spelling issue, I select the OpAmp icon on the top toolbar. Unfortunately, nothing I see in the resulting “Symbol Editor” matches the instructions in Section 2!!

Documentation included with Kicad is outdated in many places. If you are just getting started with kicad I recommend Rene’s excellent tutorial specifically for v5.1


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