Thruhole via in a 4-layer board


I’ve question on the via properties, as i couldn’t find info on the kicad 8.0 pcbnew manual.

With a 4-layer pcb, the middle two layers are GND, and outer two are signal/power. Due to mfg limitation, only through-via are used in the layout.

For instance, to connect a resistor to ground, when a through-via option selected, the via property for annular ring has options of “all layers”, “start, end and connected layers”. Say when I select the “start, end, and connected layers”, will, In1.Cu, In2.Cu, B.Cu all plated together, with B.Cu pad being an island?

I’m unable to see any middle layers or their annular rings in the 3D view, so I’m not sure if the via connects to the middle 2 GND layers at all? Net inspector does not shed light either. I’m a beginner, so could someone help shed light on this please?

One more question: in the context of through-via for ground in a 4 layer board with stackup as above, the via property for annular ring options of “all layers”, as well as “start, end and connected layers” both result in the same behavior of through-via creation from the tool, correct?

Thanks in advance

If you select “all layers” there will be a ring around the via like you can see on the top and bottom. Even if there is nothing to connect to. The ring will obviously only connect to things on the same net.

If you select “Start, End and Connecting Layers” the ring will be removed on inner layers if there is nothing to connect to. This will reduce the size of holes in pours on these layers.

You are able. Switch off visibility of Board Body and F and B Mask.

For ground via it is the same. For others not.

Two weeks ago short discussion about Via Annular ring defaults settings ended with writing feature request:

@Mineotopia @Piotr Thanks much for the help. I can see multiple layers as well as the rings which is really nice - learnt something new today!

On my computer all pads are colored yellow, however all copper planes as well as top layer tracks are colored “copper orange”, so it is hard to discern if the top layer track is connected to top pad since the rings on the middle planes are also same color as tracks. If there is a config setting to address this, please let me know.

@Piotr, I don’t have a gitlab account, will create one and upvote the “via defaults” feature request.

I understand that you are speaking about 3D viewer. Why you need to check anything there?
Everything you need to check you can check in PCB Editor. If you don’t believe in what you see in Editor than better is to check it in gerbers than in 3D viewer.

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@Piotr, you are right, and the DRC passes; However, I (as beginner) want to look around to see what’s going on and how things are put together. Cheers.

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