Thermal relief on Via in Filled zone

Hi, i am relatively new to Kicad, i come from Altium designer.
I have 2 questions:

  1. I made a GND plane on my pcb but all the VIA,s going to GND have no thermal relief.
    In the Copper Zone Properties window the pad connection is to thermal relief and the Clearanse and spoke widh are
    set to 0.5mm.
    Why am i not seeing the thermal relief around the via’s??

  2. How can i set the origin point off my worksheet on a corner of the pcb?

Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance

  1. I don’t think there is thermal relief for vias. Why would you need that?

  2. You can’t change the origin of the worksheet, but you can set an origin point for the grid.

Hi bobc,

Like i said i com from Altium and i am used to it. so is was wondering if Kicad had it also.
But then why can i select it in the copper zone properties?


Ok, so why do you need it in Altium? The purpose of thermal relief is to help soldering, you never apply solder to vias, so it doesn’t make sense to me.

Thermal relief is applied to pads (which might be SMD or TH).

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Come to think of it, U are competely correct.

U know how to reset the origin point then?

dimensions > grid properties

but the grid origin does not solve myproblem.
I scheck my gerber files in a viewer, and it looks like the origin lies far outside the worksheet.
Also when you transfer the dxf file to a mechanical program, you should be able to play with the origin of the pcb

You didn’t say what your problem was!

I’ve never found that to be a problem, but some people like tidiness.

You can set an origin point for gerbers, using Place->Drill and Place Offset. Then in the gerber plot dialog, check “Use auxiliary axis as origin”. Also make sure to set Drill Origin : auxiliary axis in the Drill Files Generation dialog.

Ok… is there a MCAD program that doesn’t allow you to move parts of the drawing around?

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It’s not far outside… it’s actually exactly at 0,0 in the top left corner of the worksheet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sorry, but you have to get used to this as we all had to (*).
This ‘quirk’ of KiCAD with it’s ‘inverted’ y-axis and the coordinate origin for it’s underlying framework being pegged at the top left is not going away anytime soon.
Welcome to the club.

*) or, if you’re a talented programmer (or know one) do something about it…

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I am going to lock this thread as it is about to get diverted from its original question into a “Why is KiCad not just like Eagle”
For those worried, please search for the word “origin” to see much debate about why KiCad starts top left

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