In my simulation I have the instruction
.tran 0.05m 50m
for the simulator.
When there are other text blocks (my documentation for the circuit) the simulator does not see this. Is that how it should be?
Question 2: can I add Pspice and LTspice compatibility to this or another instruction line as well? Now I have to go into simulation parameters each time and that is tedious, there must be an easier way; is there?
The current setting expects that you put your simulation command via
Inspect → Simulator → New Analysis Tab → (Select something, e.g. tran) → fill in the sim data, set Compatibility Mode (preset to PSPICE and LTSPICE) → ok
When you then save the settings in a workbook by
File → Save Workbook
they are kept, and when you later open the simulator window again, they are loaded automatically.