Status on DRC check for silkscreen/copper-pads overlap?

I see a post from 2016, DRC check for Silkscreen over pads, requesting this. That would have been version 4. Doesn’t look like version 5 has this capability.

Any plans to implement this?

The Plot option to subtract soldermask from silkscreen is not an acceptable workaround for the problem. Don’t get me wrong: it is a useful option/precaution, and I always use it (really, no exception). But it does not compensate for the deficiency. The point is:

  • I do not want any silkscreen over copper pads
  • I do not want any silkscreen to disappear in the actual/physical board
  • Therefore: I need to be aware of every instance where there is overlap, so that I can fix it and comply with the two bullet-items above.
  • Therefore: I really need the software to do the checking for me, if I want to accomplish the above reliably.

Of course, the subtract soldermask plot option is useful because bullet-item 1 naturally has priority over the second one; this plot option is a way to enforce/ensure the first item, but nothing more.

Coming in the new DRC engine in V6.

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Sweet! (definitely looking forward to version 6, not only for this reason !!!)

By the way: does that DRC feature also include checking for overlap between different silkscreen items? (although that is not a critical issue with respect to functionality, it is still a useful feature to have, and I guess the implementation should not differ substantially)

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