The spice .step directive isn’t supported by the KiCAD spice engine and simulating it with a .command routine fails with a viewport access error. Is there any practical way to run a series of simulations whilst varying a parameter? I’ve been using LTSpice for years and second only to the ability to plot a fourier series, the .step directive is probably the most useful tool in the arsenal when dealing with audio/radio designs.


Which KiCad version are you using?

KiCad-nightly (Expected to be released as KiCad V8 this month) has quite a lot of enhancements for the simulator, but I don’t know if this is one of them.

Using 7.0.10+1, Jan5 2014 so it’s fairly up-to-date.

2014 is quite old :slight_smile:

But as I wrote in my previous post, KiCad-Nightly has many spice related improvements, and it is also close to release now. I suggest you give it a try. You can install it easily along with the stable KiCad version. For the rest, I don’t use spice much, and can’t comment on it.

Currently there is no .step command available in ngspice and its KiCad interface.

In plain ngspice a script (see ngspice control language tutorial) may be used. This is however not available in KiCad/ngspice.

You should add this item to the wishlist at Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab .

Would also be very interested in this feature! I’m surprised that not many more people miss this functionality.

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