How to have Kicad simulate only sub circuit or selected part of it ?
There’s a feature to simulate only the current sheet, but nothing for the current selection.
Thanks, so how instruct Kicad to move a circuit part currently selected into another (new) sheet ?
Copy, create a new sheet, paste.
(There’s a feature request in GitLab for “create new sheet from selection” that you could up-vote, but for now copy/paste is the easiest way.)
Dear Jeff
Can you indicate how to activate the feature to simulate only the current sheet in a hierarchical design ?
Hi Wim. I don’t know if this is the best way, but you can simulate a single sheet in a hierarchical design by opening that sheet’s *.kicad_sch
file via the standalone Eeshema (instead of via the Kicad project browser).
I would prefer that simulating a single sheet could be done in “project mode”, but, like you, I don’t know how, if it’s even possible.
Current-sheet-only was just a feature of Export Netlist (for use with an external SPICE simulator).
I think it’s still supported there, but I’m not 100% sure…