Simulator fails to simulate Inductor (But works if the L is substituted by R)

I am having a problem, where I cant simmulate a incuctor.
I have attached a Picture.
When I switch the incductor for a resistor it works, but when I place the inductor (coil) it will not run the simmulation (See attached
LOG.txt (31.8 KB)
Thanks in advance for helping!.

Warning: singular matrix: check node probe_int_unconnected-_r8-pad1__r8_1

ngspice tries to simulate R8, but it cannot find its operating point (how should it be successful?)

Mark the resistor by ‘Exclude from simulation’ in the ‘Symbol Properties’ window.

Place a 1Meg resistor across the inductor to help the solver converge

R6 is actually 10 milliohms. A quirk with KiCAD. Use 10000k instead.
Same with R9. 1 milliohm. Use 1000k.
And what’s the value of L1?

V9 handles this conversion of M → Meg for you for simulation. Not sure about V8 though.

It also works for KiCad V8, and has so for multiple KiCad versions.


I think it has to do with one of those “compatibility modes” for the simulator. I searched the ngSpice Manual but all I could find in the manual is reverences that it should not work, so I assume this is caught and translated before the data goes to ngSpice. But it’s always something to keep in mind and verify when doing a simulation. Just another one of those silly details you have to keep track off. But 9 orders of magnitude difference is likely to get noticed really quickly.