Simulation of TNY267

I am trying to design a basic switching mode power supply. I notice that in the symbol library browser I have a symbol for TNY267P, a switch mode regulator. However when I try to run any simulations it complains about not being able to find the simulation model for this component.

At least that is how I have come to understand the error message from my google-fu

“Error: Not enough tokens in line 30
u1 __u1
Please correct your input file”

Where U1 is the TNY267P.

So my questions are

Does Kicad come with simulation models for all built in symbols?
If so, where should they be? (I’m on Linux)
If not, where can I get a simulation model for this component?

I did try and use my initiative, by downloading a package called from models but when I add the lib file and try to run the simulation I get a syntax error

Error: bad syntax in line 20
g1 n019 s poly(1) n021 s table={(0.5 0,5.3 720m)}
from file

I’ve no idea how to debug this, or if this is even necessary if there are standard kicad simulation libraries for all included symbols with the package.

There is no simulation library in KiCAD (except for very basic parts). You’ll need to find the models (on the web) and attach them to the symbols on your schematic.
I strongly suggest you read the “Getting Started” and other documentation (top of this page).

Thank you. I will do this. Can you also indicate where I would look online for a model for this component?

Manufacturer is the best place.
Otherwise this page is good:

I don’t feel like I’m much closer to a solution to the problem in my OP. Remember, I want to design a switching mode power supply and simulate it. The TNY267 is one possible off-line switcher, doesn’t necessarily have to be this. I have many more questions now, based on the answers you have given. This is making things more complex for me.

I have explored the links you supplied and cannot find an off-line switcher .lib file at all.
I have visited several manufacturer’s sites and cannot find any lib files for download.

If you go back to my question and have another read you will see what I am asking, and can maybe provide some more complete information to help me? Or someone else reading this can?

These drive-by answers are too brief to have any real impact.

Well, I checked for you. does not offer a spice model for that part. Perhaps you should try another manufacturer?

I understand that you’re looking for “the greatest spice library in the world” that can be integrated into KiCAD.
It doesn’t exist, sorry.

Many years ago I did a design with a power integrations part. It seemed to be good but had some peculiar limitations.

I would not be surprised if PI had its own simulation tool for power supplies built around their ICs. That is the thing: For example TI is not so interested in helping you to use their ICs with ones from ADI, Renasas, or ST for example. If you want to simulate your TI chip with TIs simulator, that can probably work with relative ease. But if you want to simulate a TI chip with one from Renasas then you probably have a lot more work to do.

At least at Digikey your TNY267 is discontinued or obsolete or not recommended for new designs. But they do have some for sale. It is also inexpensive so maybe it just the thing if you only need a few now and will never NEED to buy it again.

I think that ST may also have some self contained switcher ICs…at least I am pretty sure that they had such a product many years ago.

On occasion you will find participants (this or other forums) to do some considerable work on your behalf. But for the most part, especially for your sort of request, feedback will be limited to ideas and recommendations. Sometimes even the TL;DR responses can mention something which will get you over the hump so to speak.

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You are finding out why simulation is a minor part of the KiCad package.
ADIs LTSpice is about the best free simulator, but only provides models for their several IC brands. This is freeware, not opensource and we cannot include these models in KiCad.
There are commercial (very expensive) simulators with a greater range of parts, but again these models are kept locked to their tool.

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Speaking of LT Spice, all users of that simulator ought to know about this collection:

I do think that LTSpice models ought to be adaptable to other varieties of Spice but I am not the one to say how to do that.

I would not expect any Power Integrations parts to be modeled in this link, but I suppose it is worth confirming that if you have a high interest level.

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The model cited above is using LTSPICE-specific constructs and thus will run only with LTSPICE.

Is that not what LTSpice compatibility mode is for? Excuse my ignorance.

Of course, in the long run: yes.

But it needs somebody to code it.

And it is hampered by the fact that LTSPICE is not open source, and that for some of these constructs you even do not know how they are specified.