Simulation error "unknown parameter (-1.244400e-04) "


When I am trying to build my following simple schematic to run simulation with CA3140 op amp,

I get following error:

No compatibility mode selected!
Circuit: KiCad schematic
Error on line 0 :
**r.xu1.rb1 net-_r2-pad2_ xu1.10 1 tc=1.991040e-03 (-1.244400e-04)**
unknown parameter (-1.244400e-04) 
Background thread stopped with timeout = 0
Error: circuit not parsed.

PS: it was actually working before launch, I can probe and see my signals, but after my back from launch, when I reopen it, this error happens all the time.

if I remove the component CA3140, the error just disapear, I don’t know why but didn’t change anything in the model file I get from internet:

.subckt CA3140 1 36 15 20 12
*NODE: 1 36 15 20 12
*------INPUT STAGE-------
VOSBAL 7 29 3.00000000E-03
EU1 8 1 20 12 0.0001
EU2 8 7 5 12 -1
* It looks like my error come from here ...... Talon
RB1 12 10 1 TC= 1.991040E-03 (-1.244400E-04)
IB4 10 12 1.000000E-06
RB3 12 5 8743.17 TC= 1.60000000E-03 
IB3 12 5 5.718750E-07
G1 12 1 10 12 1.025000E-05
G2 12 36 10 12 9.750000E-06
RDM 36 29 1.500000E+12
RCM 31 13 1.500000E+12
CDM 36 29 4.000000p
G5 31 13 36 31 6.66667E-13
G6 31 13 1 31 6.66667E-13
GDM 31 16 29 36 1
GCM 31 16 13 31 -1.58113883E-05
R1 31 16 3.16358380E+02
C1 31 16 6.45457E-11
VCP 23 31 100
VCM 24 31 -100
DD1 16 23 MD2
.MODEL MD2 D XTI=1P cjo=10f rs=1m
DD2 24 16 MD2
G3 31 6 16 31 -1.07249255E-06
R2 31 6 100000
C2 11 6 1.2E-11
RP1 31 20 3750
RP2 31 12 3750
*------OUTPUT STAGE-------
G4 31 11 6 31 -5.10867719E+01
ROUT 31 11 60
DD3 11 9 MD3
.MODEL MD3 D IS=10.0F XTI=1.0P N= 3.612647E-01 cjo=10f tt=0.1n rs=1m
DD4 9 11 MD4
.MODEL MD4 D IS=10.0F XTI=1.0P N= 8.028126E-01 cjo=10f  tt=0.1n rs=1m
EU6 9 31 2 31 1
RO1 11 26 20
FF1 31 28 VFF1 1
VFF1 26 2 0.0
FF2 31 20 VFF2 -1
VFF2 33 31 0.0
FF3 12 31 VFF3 -1
VFF3 31 27 0.0
DD8 27 28 MID
DD7 28 33 MID
.MODEL MID D XTI=1.000000F N=1 IS=10.000000F cjo=10f  rs=1m tt=0.1n
VP 20 22 -29.2613
VM 21 12 -29.3113
DD5 25 22 MID
DD6 21 17 MID
VP1 20 30 2.7501
VM1 32 12 .859456
DD9 2 30 MD9
DD10 32 15 MD9
.MODEL MD9 D XTI=1.000000F N=1 IS=10.000000F cjo=10f rs=1m tt=0.1n
HH1 25 2 POLY(2) VIC2 VIC1 0 1960 0 1540 0 0 0 0 0 0
HH2 2 17 POLY(2) VIC3 VIC1 0 -1960 0 -1540 0 0 0 0 0 0
VIC1 37 3 0.0
VIC2 2 14 0.0
VIC3 14 15 0.0
VPP 37 0 1
RPP 3 0 100.0K
RO3 15 20 200.0MEG
RO2 15 12 200.0MEG

The only obvious problem I see is that you’ve forgotten to mark the unconnected nodes.

You will need to set the compatibility mode:
Inspect->Simulator->Sim Parameters->Compatibility Mode PSPICE and LTSPICE

Thanks @holger , I tried with PSPICE and LTSPICE, I get

doAnalyses: TRAN:  Timestep too small; initial timepoint: trouble with node "v.xu1.vp#branch"
run simulation(s) aborted

no effects if I change .tran 4m 20m to .tran 100m 2000m

Hi @ML9104 I am very new to spice, no idea about the scripts, how do I find those nodes and mark them out? Thanks!

Now you have to look at your circuit.

What is your intention? What kind of circuit do you want to simulate?

R2 seems to be not connected properly. There are these two knots (squares?) faintly to be seen.

Node 2 of the OpAmp does have a ground connection. So you force a voltage PHin1 (0.2V) over the input pins.

Hi @holger, I fixed it, the problem was actually because of my order of PINs are different comparing the script defined like: * +IN -IN OUT +VSS -VSS

after I set a re-order in the properties->alternate node sequece, I can run a simu.

I am trying to make a PH meter, regarding R2, the purpose is to set a amplify proportion, I made some changes on the circuit, just share to you if you interested in it.

Pins 1, 5, 8 on the IC are “no connects” (small square on the end identifies it).
On the right side of the screen there’s an “X” symbol. Place one on each square, otherwise ERC will throw errors.

Thank you @ML9104 , I get it:)