In Simulator, ngspice returns …
List of plots available:
Current const Constant values (constants)
Note: Codel model file loading path is /home/…/Documents/Test/
Note: No compatibility mode selected!
Error: Not enough tokens in line 7
Please correct your input file
Error: ngspice.dll cannot recover and awaits to be reset or detached
The spice model is …
.title KiCad schematic
.save all
.probe alli
.probe p(V1)
.probe p(R2)
.probe p(R1)
V1 A GND DC 15
R2 A B 2.5k
R1 B GND 2500
I have another system that runs this model without any error.
How do I determine what ngspices settings are? The internal list of allowed commands seems to have been removed from F38 version of ngpsice to F40’s version.
Your thoughts would be helpful.