Screening Can - Any good methods for setting up a symbol

Hi All,

has anybody got any good methods for creating a screening can symbol e.g. dotted lines to encompass the area of the circuit to be enclosed ?

Needless to say, I can create a ‘dummy’ symbol with the pins for the ground connections and then add dotted lines manually, but I was wondering if anyone had found a better way of doing it.

Many thanks in advance for you thoughts and ideas.


I did a little search . . .

The question was about symbol and that what I have written in 2018 was about footprints.

Just off the cuff, haven’t tested it fully, but how about drawing a wire box or polygon around the area in question, then change its line style to dashed or dotted as you wish. Then attach it to the GND net with a symbol that can be associated with a suitable footprint, say a 1 pin connector. Here’s one I whipped up.


I needed to make a shield - after making it, I discovered that I no longer needed one but had already made the Symbol and Footprint.

They’re only representations of what I intended to do but good enough to convey the idea… No Lid/Cover on the shield but, that’s only 5-minutes of work…
This shield was only a test for a Generalized Footprint… on PCB with some thrown-together parts… Not a real PCB

You can get Shield geometry from the Shields at Mouser/etc…

Hi All,

many thanks for the collective thoughts and ideas.

Really helpful !

Thanks again for taking the time and trouble: It’s very much appreciated !

Kind Regards,


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