Schematic Changed - connections in PCB?

Hi all, new to KiCad.

In my schematic, I originally had a symbol T0-3 (U1) package. PCB layout route connections looked great.

I changed the symbol to a SOT-23-3. Looking at the PCB layout, the routes to me do not seem correct from U1 back to the J! (phono jack)? I lao do not see any holes for U1?

Not sure what file type to export from my project for viewing my concern. Attached are static images.

U1 is a surface mount IC. Look up SOT-23-3 package on the internet.

Even without that, your trace from S is touching R on the jack. That’s not right.

And Pin1 of C1 top track is not connected.
The physical size of C1 does not match the Value
The tracks are far too fine to cope with long term use of the socket.
You mention that this SOT23 replaces a TO3 package, but the DRV5055A4 is a Hall Effect Sensor.

Aaaah I see what my misunderstanding is now. I will redo the layout and routing… thankx very much

If you need to do this later, you can just zip the project folder, although it would be better to exclude backups and other irrelevant files.


Could I ask you to check my work befoire sending off my gerber files to purchase PCB?

The only warning have is J1 overhangs the PCB which is what i want to install into a 3D printed enclosure.

Unfortunately since I’m a new user, will not upoad the zip file. I can give you a link to the file opn google drive. Let me know

Thank You

Hi @ronyd ,
If you follow the instructions in this FAQ link, you can promote yourself so you may then upload your zip file for inspection.

Hi all,

thankx for the new members doc explaining lots of tidbits. :grinning:

Attached is a zip with .kicad_pcb, .kicad_sch, and .kicad_pro files

I was going to order from JLCPCB, but OSH _PARK is cheaper and free USPS 5 day shipping. Also, KICAD users can just upload the.kicad_pcb file only instead the gerber files.

Thankx for taking a look (14.0 KB)

Hi jmk,
uploaded kicad files for review when you have a moment. thank you

I have KiCad at other PC than I write so I had to move your file there (via pendrive).
I use 0.2mm tracks only if I have IC with 0.4mm raster and only near it changing the tracks to 0.25 as soon as possible. In your case I would use at least 0.5mm tracks.

Had a quick look and made some notes that may help here’s my modded version (661.3 KB)

This was created in 8.0.8