Resistor with color code

where (or how) can I get resistors with color band. I could not find

If you mean 3D models of resistors with color bands this has been discussed before.

Personally I think it’s too much work if you want to show the real value but I suppose you could use a few at random to give an idea, and hope nobody tries to decode the colours.

it’s a nice idea to work through freecad. I imported your file and changed the colors to red,red,yellow, exported as step file and imported in Kicad.This is quick and easy. Unfortunately the colors are different. How can this be corrected?
colorband kicad

I’m not clear on what you mean…

In the video below, I show changing Colors two way’s:

  1. Using FreeCAD
  2. Using my Coloring-App

In both cases, I use my Stock-Resistors (posted with the App).

No Problems - Kicad shows them as I set them.

FYI: My FreeCAD has customized Toolbars that use tools from other workbenches to make it convenient for me (the Color tool is from the ‘Part’ workbench, not the ‘Part-Design’ workbench.

My resistors need to be used. If wanting to color other Parts/items, you can do it and may want to watch the video’s posted with the App.
Is that resisitor one of mine?

To save Video size, I show the result in first segment but not the setting of it in Kicad, in second segment I do show setting it…
Video does show both how to select a Part not in the Pull-Down list and from the Pull-Down list…

The App is located here

Automatic resistance color coding is a good idea, in my opinion KiCad should have added this possibility long ago.

It leads to bloated file sizes as each resistor value has its own model. In turn this makes rendering slower as it eats up graphics card memory

Kicad would first have to have the ability to create 3D images of THT resistors before it could place colored stripes on those resistors. Kicad is only capable of viewing 3D images created by other software.
It would be best if you asked “other software” for colored stripes.

Dont agree!

There is absolutely not reason to “have this possibility long ago”, there are many more areas which need the Devs time than making coloured bands on a resistor. Eg have a one year (major) feature hold after v9 to sort out the GUI, general userability, to consolidate menus etc.
Kicad has developed SO quickly of the last view years, I feel, it has now come of age, able to proudly stand on its own two feet as is, before moving forward with new features.


I had forgotten to show what happens when Exporting PCB Step file (with my colored Resistors, colored from my App) from Kicad and I deleted yesterday’s files.

I just re-did it for only one resistor and it still works (in kicad v7, I don’t use v8).

Also loaded it in FreeCAD, no problems in either FreeCAD or Kicad.

I only have Kicad 8 on my system and have installed step up, but still loose the color when exporting step file and load it in Kicad. is it possible to install Kicad 7 in parallel to test it?
Is there a conversion table between color codes in freecad (colorrgb) and the code that is used in Kicad?

Many times things go awry when too many Cooks are in the Kitchen.

In this case (your case), the One-Too-Many-Cooks is using StepUp to Export the StepUp loaded PCB.

I just did these Two Test’s:

For Both cases below, I used the PCB shown in my previous (today’s) post with One colored Resistor

Case 1:

• Imported the Kicad Exported PCB-STEP into FreeCAD. No problem.
• Exported that Imported Kicad-Exported STEP and Re-Imported it into FreeCAD. No Problem.

Case 2):
• Loaded the Kicad Exported PCB-STEP into FreeCAD using StepUp, . No problem.
• From StepUp, I Exported the StepUp-Loaded Kicad-Exported PCB-STEP file. It did NOT retain the Colors. The One-Too-Many-Cooks in the kitchen.

No Problem with Kicad loading Colored Resistors either Colored by FreeCAD or by my App.

No Problem with FreeCAD importing the Kicad-Exported STEP.

No Problem with StepUp loading the Kicad-Exported or FreeCAD loaded STEP.

There is a Problem with StepUp Exporting the PCB with Colored Resistor.

Here’s the Kicad Archived project if you want to try it…

Just because StepUp is a FreeCAD embedded Tool (a workbench) does not mean it uses the many codes that FreeCAD uses to do it’s thing… StepUp is not authored by FreeCAD. (4.4 KB)

EDIT-ADDED: As an additional confirmation, in Kicad, I loaded a Dummy-Footprint and assigned the Kicad-Exported Step of the PCB to it; it shows up correctly colored - last photo below…

This is the Re-Loaded StepUp STEP…. so, it confirms that StepUp exported without colored bands. Also, can see the RGB color assignments in the STEP file using Text-Editor…

The Kicad-Exported PCB-STEP loaded into a Footprint

very nice tests, that give a overview of the capabilities. For me most of it is new. So I downloaded step up and tried loading pcb boards back and forth, which worked very nice, so I am quite happy and thank you very much for this lead.

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In my opinion, small axial resistors are pretty much obsolete. Larger axial resistors (1W and higher) tend to not use color codes.

During the 1990s I was intimidated by the idea of using SMT. I have “essential tremor” and my hands have NEVER been particularly steady. But once I had tried using (1206 chips at first) I found that there is nothing to worry about. Axial leaded resistors are better for hand wiring a circuit without a pcb. But if you are designing a pcb, then chip resistors are better in every way I can think of (faster easier smaller cheaper) except perhaps for power dissipation.

I now use 0603 chip resistors on a smallish 0805 footprint (routinely; it is my default size for resistors) without difficulty.

I have some ancient 82 ohm carbon composition axial resistors which I used in a recent hobby project because carbon composition is particularly good for a brief energy surge. But…FWIW…those “82 ohm” resistors actually measure more like 100 ohms.


I saw some PCB design software that used a fixed 3D model for the body of the resistors, but based on the ohmic resistance, it automatically colored the colored strips.

With additional fields for tolerance, number of bands etc.
Then you get number & letter combos on bigger SMD resistors, those arcane codes on SMD transistors and diodes. Where do you stop?


You forgot these.


I’ve always considered the finished PCB as “the work of art”. The 3D image is just another tool. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Another proposal…

Have one footprint for a resistor body model. It has several 3D models defined, only one common body model and as many colored disks ask needed to get all needed color ring combinations.

Write a script to activate and deactivate the disk models according to the values of the resistors. Run the script every time you add a resistor to the board.

That’s sort-of what my App does in conjunction with my Resistors. My app enables setting the Band Colors on 11 Resistors Sizes/Orientations (Horizontal and Vertical) and the Posted stuff includes a Plugin for Kicad

It doesn’t change Disc’s, it changes the RGB Color’s of the Disc’s and one color for the Resistor’s Body.

Cap’s would also be very easy to do…

Screenshot of the Plugin Icon

Screen Shot 2024-12-31 at 06.26.20

This is what my Step files look like

Do you mean it edits the STEP files? IMO that’s a different strategy than modifying the footprint properties in PCB files. What I proposed is to switch 3D model path lines on/off in footprint sections in the PCB file. The model files would be intact. However, it’s just an idea and I don’t know if it’s any better or worse than some other strategy.