Resistor with color code

Yes, it Edits the STEP file. AFAIK, Footprints can only assign a Model without Kicad doing something different than what it currently does (screenshot below).

Sure, Kicad’s Footprint-code could read the STEP and Edit the Colors but, that involves the many hurdles Kicad already jumps to do what it already does…

Just for fun, while drinking BlackCoffee :rofl: I modeled a Cap (screenshot below). Note: my posted Part files for the App already include Electrolytic-Cap with Changeable Body Color…

Many way’s to accomplish a Goal…

ADDED: Coloring a CAP… Video

I’ve demo’d this several times and still waiting for Academy Award but, until then, here’s another Demo… Could simple use any Text-Editor but, I’ll show doing it with another of my Python App’s…

Could do it on the PCB file, as shown or, on the FootPrint.mod file… very simple

And, ‘Yes’ can also set the Show/Hide text in the file if wanting to do that…

This topic was discussed at length and I believe most people thought, ok if it was simple but I don’t need it ! It’s not worth any Dev’s time ! if you want this then hit Freecad and build your own library !
Or use the plugin by our caffeinated colleague :woozy_face:

As for a serious idea that has been omitted for too long now, well I for one don’t want any Dev time wasted on it !..Happy New Year Folks !


I know why – you didn’t read the rules carefully. You would have several 3D models in one footprint. The body would be always shown. There would be several color ring models and they would be changed depending on the value. Also the relative location of each ring could be changed in the footprint. Basically you might need only 1 + 12 3D models for all axial e-series resistors of one physical size, and for example 5 model name lines in one 4-band footprint. Or even so that all possible combinations could be formed by just ticking models on/off, in which case there would be quite many lines in the footprint.

Regarding a Real need to do it; I haven’t bothered so, thus far, I’m messing around…

If I wanted to get serious about it, I’d make a GUI Panel with All the desired Colors and have Radio-Button or Check-Box to select.

I’d have it set up such that the User Selects the desired Footprint(s) on the PCB and clicks OK… Bingo, Done!

with your mentioning that you don’t use Kicad 8 but Kicad 7 I went on download Kicad.exe version 7 and checked. It looks that this problem occurs with Kicad 8 but not in Kicad 7

with Kicad 7

I’m not surprised, not surprised at all…

you say you are not surprised about Kicad 8.0. Are there more problems with Kicad8.0. I recently started with Kicad 8.0 and all files are in 8.0 and can not open them with 7.0. If the problem is only in the 3D viewer then I wonder if the viewer from 7.0 could be used in Kicad 8.0 and fix the problem.

Kicad is a good Program and Open-Source, as well as Non-Open-Source, programs take time to work the Bug’s out.

I’ve been using Kicad long enough to have learned to wait for about 10+ Months before upgrading to the next version.

Heck, I’ve been using FreeCAD for 15+yrs and they recently released the first Official Release v1.0. and, it too has Bug’s…

So, if you’re just getting started with Kicad, decide if you want to ‘Limp’ along while Bug’s appear and incrementally get fixed and/or carry over to the next version, then the next version…

Regarding the Viewer, I can’t answer that…

thanks, certainly a good advise. I have V7.0 and V 8.07 on my PC and plan to work with V8 and use V 7.0 if necessary