Replicate plugin (marvelous) all most does what I want

I want to make a large board (cracker) with ten versions of the same power supply. Each supply makes a different voltage and has one resistor that needs to be different. So there will be a 1V, 2V, 3V…10V versions.
Replicate works very well! I see I can make 10 small boards on one large board, then break them apart.
There is really only one sub schematic, that gets copied to make 10. If I change the value on one schematic it changes all the resistors. I cannot have a 1V and a 2V resistors.
I tried renaming the sub pages but that breaks the link from schematic to PCB. Spent 8 hours on it so far.
thanks for you help. v6_0
Recap: 10 copies of the layout, resistor value (and silk) different on each.
If I cannot beat this, I will hand make the BOM and write in the resistor values on silk by hand.

The same question here: Display a symbol property in the footprint (kicad 7) [SOLVED]

I think what @ronsimpson wants are “variant” subsheets. This should be doable using sheet properties as in Eeschema: Hierarchical sheet parameters (Parametric Hierarchical Design) (lp:#1838072) (#2466) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

I don’t know how the plugin would handle this though. But if you only change values then the plugin should work without any issues

A really simple way to do this is to have the feedback setting resistor outside the subsheet. That way your hierarchical pins are power input, power output, and two pins for the resistor, which you can space so as to fit a resistor between them. Then you can replicate layout, and it will replicate all but the one resistor, which you then have to manually place.


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