Rename Project with included files

Then I hope you get very bored.

Summary for future users attempting it:

1–Main Project Window, File, Save As
2–Choose New Name in a new folder (for example “NewName”).
3–Quit KiCad
4–In your file browser, go to the new “Saved As” folder, mark all files, choose batch-“Rename x Items” and rename all files (e.g. additional sheets) with still old ‘naming’ in the same way (for example “NewName”).
5–Open the first schematic sheet (the main schematics sheet, the one without a number) in a text editor and change all old links/names to the new name (for example “NewName”).
6–Open “sym-lib-table” in a text editor and do the same – rename all old links/names found there to the new name (for example “NewName”). Save the “sym-lib-table” file.
7–Open “fp-lib-table” in a text editor and do the same – rename all old links/names found there to the new name (for example “NewName”). Save the “fp-lib-table” file.
8–Open all four or five (secondary) .kicad_sch files at the same time with e.g. the text editor Geany that has a batch-replace option across open documents.
9–Do Find and Replace Oldname->NewName, select option “All session”, not just “current document”.
10–Open the new renamed project and test if all works.

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