Pulling my hair out, is the new version just buggy? now silkscreen values won't move

ive done more chasing my tail than actual work. I’m not sure if I just have a bad install or installed a buggy version but ive never had more problems in about 4-5 years of using kicad, now the silkscreen values for only some footprints are unmovable, I was able to delete the footprint and use a new one to bandaid the problem, but now even that has stopped working. I am able to click and move some ${value} 's on the silkscreen layer from about half of my custom footprints that were all designed the same way, only some will move, some wont. and I can’t revert back to the older version. what in the heck is going on with this? should I try and reinstall the program?

What KiCad version are you using?
There is a bug in V8.0.2 with text selection on (at least) the Fab layers, and maybe this bug is a bit wider and also (sometimes?) affects footprint texts on other layers.

Re-installing KiCad is unlikely to make any difference. KiCad V8.0.3 should fix at least the bugs on the Fab layer and I expect this version to be released very soon. (I’ve already seen an RC.)

8.0.2 I’ve been trying to get these boards to the manufacturer this week. Any idea when .3 will be released?

There have been no commits since the RC1 tagging on the 25th, so provided no critical bug pops up, I would expect about the end of this month.
I have sent boards out using “Testing” builds before now.

does hiding top.fab and bot.fab have an impact on what you are seeing?
Another possibility is that you have hidden text on your components, and you are seeing that, i think that the color scheme for that is changed in recent releases.
If this is the problem you can assign 100% transparency to the color of hidden text to have a true hiddenness.

P.S.the striketrough sentence is only valid for the footprint editor and not for the pcb editor.

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