Additonal text elements of footprints in PCB Editor not selectable/movable

I have a number of footprints with additional text elements, for example to indicate Pin 0, or the +'ve pin of an electrolytic cap etc.

In KiCAD 6 Those elements could be moved within the PCB editor, however in KiCAD 8 they are no longer individually selectable/movable. I often want to nudge these silkscreen elements out of the way of other components, keeping them in the general area. I have checked the Selection Filter in the PCB Editor, everything is ticked. This relates to additional text elements on the silkscreen layer, not to the Values or reference designators.

Here is an example component:

KiCAD 6.0:
start point:

Text element moved:

KiCAD 8.0:

I cannot select that text element anymore, so cannot move it.

I have checked the settings and can’t see one that pertains to this behaviour. (including trying “allow free pads” which does not help.

The work around is editing the footprint in footprint editor each time, I do prefer the KiCAD 6.0 behaviour though.

I just added a text string to the F.Silkscreen layer in a footpint, and saved this change back to the PCB editor. I can still easily select and move this text. Maybe selecting text is disabled in the selection filter in the lower left corner of the PCB editor.

My Selection filter has all the boxes checked. I wonder if its because its an old footprint. will test adding a new string.

The footprint showed the “o” as a text string in the footprint editor:

I added another character as a separate string, but I still cannot select or move that in the PCB editor.


I can select the reference text

to confirm:

Ok I have a (better) work around. If you add the text as a Field within the footprint properties, rather than just as text added to the footprint, then it works:


So the change between KiCAD 6 and KiCAD 8 is that in order for text within a footprint to be selectable within the PCB editor, it has to be a Field - not just “normal” text.
Is that expected behaviour?

Edited as @paulvdh has it working with “normal” text added to a footprint.

My previous experiment was with a “normal” text string (Footprint Editor / Place / Add Text). Same dialog as you used.

@paulvdh thank for confirming that. I am not sure what setting we must have different then.

Which version of KiCad 8.0 ? there have been some fixes related to footprint text recently . . .

Can you create and post a little test project with that footprint here?

For example, just the crystal, and it’s capacitors. You can do this in less then 5 minutes, and when the footprint is inside a project it’s a bit easier for us to experiment a bit with it.

@RaptorUK :
Application: KiCad x64 on x64
Version: 8.0.2, release build
wxWidgets 3.2.4
FreeType 2.12.1
HarfBuzz 8.3.0
FontConfig 2.14.2
libcurl/8.5.0-DEV Schannel zlib/1.3
Platform: Windows 10 (build 19045), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW
Build Info:
Date: Apr 27 2024 23:05:17
wxWidgets: 3.2.4 (wchar_t,wx containers)
Boost: 1.83.0
OCC: 7.7.1
Curl: 8.5.0-DEV
ngspice: 42
Compiler: Visual C++ 1936 without C++ ABI


This shows the issue. (10.2 KB)

I can update to 8.03 if that’s likely to be the reason.

I can’t say for sure and I don’t have time right now to search for the posts to check . . . but I would certainly consider upgrading to 8.0.4

Just had a quick look, this might be relevant to your issue:

Increments in the third number of KiCad’s version number are bug fix updates and updating is always recommended. Only if your ability to pay your mortgage and buy sandwidches depends on it, it’s recommended to wait about a week before opdating because sometimes it introduces a silly but important bug and *&^%$#@ happens.

I have no trouble moving the o text in your test project. (I’m using V8.0.3. Don’t forget that extra dot! (for some unknown reason many people skip that ))

The fixed bugs list in KiCad 8.0.3 Release | KiCad EDA also explicitly mentions:

Re-allow moving footprint text. #17899

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@paulvdh @RaptorUK

Thanks both of you and apologies for wasting your time, it was indeed a new bug in 8.0.2 that was fixed in 8.0.3. My searching did not bring that thread up.