i have problems, when i try to import a PCB to FreeCAD using Step up, when there are arcs in the Edgecut.
I’m using currently KiCAD 7.0.2, FreeCAD 0.20.2 and StepUp V10.21.0
Here’s the Message i get:
09:56:22 Running the Python command ‘ksuToolsOpenBoard’ failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\maxhaa01\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod\kicadStepUpMod.\kicadStepUpCMD.py”, line 1206, in Activated
File “C:\Users\maxhaa01\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod\kicadStepUpMod.\kicadStepUptools.py”, line 6731, in onLoadBoard
modules,nsk = DrawPCB(mypcb,SketchLayer,override_pcb,keep_pcb_sketch)
File “C:\Users\maxhaa01\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod\kicadStepUpMod.\kicadStepUptools.py”, line 11987, in DrawPCB
l = len(lp.pts.xy)
File “C:\Users\maxhaa01\AppData\Roaming\FreeCAD\Mod\kicadStepUpMod.\fcad_parser\sexp_parser\sexp_parser.py”, line 180, in getattr
raise AttributeError(‘{}: key “{}” not found’.format(self._line,name))
2527: key “xy” not found
If i create an Edge Cut in basically the same form, but without rounded corners, it works just pretty fine with all components. Maybe anyone knows how to tackle this Problem or someone has a workaround for this. Sadly i’m not good enough in programming to solve this problem on my own.
sadly i can’t upload the file, because i’m new to the Forum. I also tried a PM, but it’s also not possible
Edit: now i can upload files, but i’d prefer sending this to you via PM
that’s also what i assumed. I used a Solid Works DXF from a Kolleague an imported that to KiCAD. But now i need to edit that Outline and want to place the connectors related to a mechanical model in FreeCAD.
I’m not shure if that kind of Problem will also occure by creating an outline in FreeCAD an import that to KiCAD 7. I just assume KiCAD will correct the format by importing.
There are no duplicate points allowed, so if you have two arcs next to each other in the polyline, a segment can be inferred between the end point of one and start point of the other.
You can draw various lines and arcs inside the PCB editor and then use “create from selection” to create polygons for testing.
your workflow is not taking all advantages of kSU…
if you would import your dxf in kSu, then you could push it to kicad and obtain a bidirectional push pull workflow.
thanks, what I’ve noticed is that if I edit a polyline made with arcs in kicad, the arcs will be converted to segments, so I never used this method… AFAIK there is no method ATM to edit in kicad a polyline mixed with arcs and line to keep the arc structure inside. EDIT:
if I plot the Edge.Cuts to DXF or SVG, the result is only with polyline segments (no arcs)… EDIT2
even exporting the pcb to step, the curve is converted to polylines and it doesn’t maintain arcs
yes, the exporters all need to be updated at some point. the STEP exporting used to work correctly but got broken through some refactoring, someone is working on fixing it. I’m not sure there are bug reports for DXF or SVG.
And yes, they can’t be edited very easily in KiCad today. But the idea is to round-trip, i.e. if you import a DXF with arcs, the arcs will be preserved.