KiCad 8.0 When routing traces, I get a green circle with a red dot in the center. Nothing else happens. Any suggestions? Not sure if it matters, but the board was drawn up in cad and imported in as a dxf. Thank you!
Unfortunately, this does matter. Your drawings need to be converted into Kicad footprints. I’m not sure how to do this, I’ve never tried. Others may comment.
Personally, I’d have drawn one footprint with the Kicad tools and then assigned that footprint to each switch/connector symbol on the schematic.
Are you new to Kicad?
What I see is a netlist connection and not a “track”. Did you use the menu to route a track?
What is your track size set too? This can happen if the track is too large and immediately hits a DRC restriction.
The footprints were generated on the schematic side when I assigned them. I did change the size a bit, but the problem persists either way.
I did, and I can route tracks. Unfortunately, they will not connect to the pads.
what are your track settings? Especially the width of the track?
Did your DXF have holes/circles for all of the footprint pads? If so, you’re probably hitting a DRC error for each pad because the routing start point is outside of the board (inside a hole).
I would try deleting those holes in the outline.
Spend time reading more of the forum so that you can raise your level and be about to attach your PCB file so that we can readily discover what you’re doing wrong.
Yes when I created the board, I added holes for the components. I did that for easy location. When imported, the 2d circles automatically became through holes. I wonder if there is a way to keep the hole location/geometry without making making them through holes during import.
Track size is .2mm. I have tried different widths, but the track will not connect to the pad.
What layer did you import them to ? if you imported them to the Edge Cuts layer they will be cuts, i.e.holes. You can simply move them to a different layer, e.g. User1
I did import to edge cuts. How hard is it to move from that layer to another layer?
I think we have it figured out. Thank you!