Power calculation in Ngspice - component level

Wondering if there is a way (or a Plug-In) for calculating power loss in a simulation.
Goal is to see if parts are operating within their limits.
With complex waveforms, power analysis is difficult.
Do anyone know of a tool or plugin for this kind of thing?


If you run a simulation using standard configuration, you will see that on
Eeschema->Inspect->Simulator->Edit Analysis Tabā€¦
the 2 check boxes called ā€˜Save all currentsā€™ and ā€˜Save all power dissipationsā€™ are checked.

After the transient simulation on the right hand side ā€˜Signalā€™ window with the result vectors listed you see entries like P(V1) or P(R2), depending on your circuit. This is the instantaneous power dissipation in each element. To obtain the average power over time, right-click onto the chosen signal and choose ā€˜rmsā€™ or ā€˜averageā€™ calculation.

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Thanks for the reply.
But I donā€™t see anything like ā€œPā€ in the signals.
Is this a V8 thing? Iā€™m still on V7.

Iā€™ll answer my own question.
Just upgraded to 8.0.6 and yes, itā€™s a V8 thing.
With this last version, Iā€™m now friends with V8. :grinning:

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